Lemon La Vida Loca
Lemon La Vida Loca is a British mock reality show created, written by, and starring Keith Lemon. The show's title is derived from Ricky Martin's 1999 hit single, "Livin' la Vida Loca". The series follows the character of television personality Keith Lemon, capturing his home and work life, and everything in between. The series began airing on 2 August 2012 on ITV2, and concluded its first series on 23 August 2012. Whilst on Let's Do Lunch with Gino & Mel, Lemon announced that a Christmas special of Lemon La Vida Loca would air in December. He confirmed this news on his Twitter account as well.[1] A second series began airing on 6 June 2013. Aikman announced that she would not be returning to the show for the second series, but she did make an appearance on the first episode of the second series. It was announced in January 2014 that Lemon La Vida Loca would not be renewed for a third series. CastMain cast
Celebrity cameos
EpisodesSeries 1 (2012)
Christmas specials (2012)
Series 2 (2013)The second series began on 6 June 2013 at 10pm on ITV2.
DistributionThe complete first and second series of Lemon La Vida Loca was released onto DVD on 18 November 2013 as a three-disc set. References
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