Life Is Wild
Life Is Wild is an American drama television series adapted by Michael Rauch, George Faber and Charlie Pattinson from the British drama Wild at Heart. The show is about a New York veterinarian who moves his second wife and their two sets of children to a South African game reserve run by his former father-in-law. Produced by CBS Paramount Network Television and Company Pictures, the series was officially greenlit by The CW and given a thirteen-episode order on May 15, 2007.[1] The series premiered on October 7, 2007, and aired every Sunday night at 8:00PM Eastern/7:00PM Central, following a repeat of Aliens in America. It aired in Canada on the pay TV channel E! as a mid-season replacement,[2] in Europe on pay TV, in the United Kingdom on the Hallmark Channel, in Greece on August 1, 2011 on Skai TV, in South America on the pay TV Warner Channel,[3] and in New Zealand weekdays during the 2009 Christmas holiday period on TV3 in a daytime slot. In February 2008, the show was canceled after one season due to low ratings.[4] CastMain
Brett Cullen and Judith Hoag were originally cast as Danny Clarke and Jo Clarke respectively but the roles were recast in June and July 2007.[5][6] Jeremy Sheffield was also originally cast in the recurring role of Colin Banks but was replaced by George Jackos when the show received a series order. Episodes
ReceptionU.S. Nielsen ratings
Life Is Wild averaged 1.16 million viewers for its sole season. References
External links