Drachenkampf ("Dragon Fight"), for trumpet, trombone, percussion and synthesizer player, 1. ex 501⁄2, from Festival, scene 1 of act 3 (Michaels Heimkehr) of Donnerstag aus Licht (1980/87)
Drei Lieder ("Three Songs"), for alto voice and chamber orchestra, Nr. 1/10 (1950)
Entführung ("Abduction"), for piccolo solo, or for soprano saxophone and electronic and concrete music, 1. ex Nr. 582⁄3, from Montag aus Licht (1986)
Erwachen ("Awakening"), for soprano saxophone, trumpet, and cello (2007). See: Klang: Twelfth Hour
Elufa for basset-horn, flute / electronic music ad lib., 9. ex Nr. 64 (1991)
Der Kinderfänger (The Pied Piper) with Entführung (Abduction), scenes 2 and 3 from Evas Zauber (act 3 of Montag aus Licht) (1986), two versions:
Nr. 58 2⁄3, for alto flute with piccolo, children's choir, modern orchestra (3 synthesizer players, percussionist, and tape), with basset-horn ad lib.
Nr. 58 2⁄3ossia, as either a solo for alto flute with piccolo, two synthesizer players, one percussionist, and tape, or a solo for alto flute with piccolo and tape
Kinntanz ("Chin Dance"), 10. ex Nr. 53, from Luzifers Tanz, scene 3 from Samstag aus Licht (1983), 2 versions:
for euphonium, one percussionist, one synthesizer player (1 transmitter, 6 microphones, 2 × 2 loudspeakers, mixing desk and sound projectionist), or
euphonium, one percussionist, alto trombone, tenor horns (or baritones), and tubas (1 transmitter, 6 microphones, 2 × 2 loudspeakers, mixing desk and sound projectionist)
Klang ("Sound", the 24 Hours of the Day), Nr. 81–101 (2004–2007)
First Hour: Himmelfahrt (Ascension), for organ (or synthesizer), soprano, and tenor, Nr. 81 (2004–05)
Second Hour: Freude (Joy), for 2 harps, Nr. 82 (2005)
Third Hour: Natürliche Dauern 1–24 (Natural Durations 1–24), for piano, Nr. 83 (2005–06)
Fourth Hour: Himmels-Tur (Heaven's Door), for a percussionist and a little girl, Nr. 84 (2005)
Fifth Hour: Harmonien (Harmonies), Nr. 85, versions for:
bass clarinet, Nr. 85.1 (2006)
flute, Nr. 85.2 (2006)
trumpet, Nr. 85.3 (2006)
Sixth Hour: Schönheit (Beauty), for flute, bass clarinet, and trumpet, Nr. 86 (2006)
Seventh Hour: Balance, for flute, English horn, and bass clarinet, Nr. 87 (2007)
Eighth Hour: Glück (Bliss), for oboe, English horn, and bassoon, Nr. 88 (2007)
Ninth Hour: Hoffnung (Hope), for violin, viola, and cello, Nr. 89 (2007)
Tenth Hour: Glanz (Brilliance), for oboe, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, tuba, and viola, Nr. 90 (2007)
Eleventh Hour: Treue (Fidelity), for E-flat clarinet, basset horn, and bass clarinet, Nr. 91 (2007)
Twelfth Hour: Erwachen (Awakening), for soprano saxophone, trumpet, and cello, Nr. 92 (2007)
Thirteenth Hour: Cosmic Pulses, electronic music, Nr. 93 (2006–07)
Fourteenth Hour: Havona, for bass voice and electronic music, Nr. 94 (2007)
Fifteenth Hour: Orvonton, for baritone and electronic music, Nr. 95 (2007)
Sixteenth Hour: Uversa, for basset-horn and electronic music, Nr. 96 (2007)
Seventeenth Hour: Nebadon, for horn and electronic music, Nr. 97 (2007)
Eighteenth Hour: Jerusem, for tenor and electronic music, Nr. 98 (2007)
Nineteenth Hour: Urantia, for soprano and electronic music, Nr. 99 (2007)
Twentieth Hour: Edentia, for soprano saxophone and electronic music, Nr. 100 (2007)
Twenty-first Hour: Paradies (Paradise), for flute and electronic music, Nr. 101 (2007)
Knabenduett ("Boys' Duet"), for 2 soprano saxophones, 2. ex Nr. 501⁄2, from Festival, scene 1 of act 3 of Donnerstag aus Licht (1980)
Komet ("Comet"), version for a percussionist, electronic and concrete music, sound projectionist, 72⁄3 ex Nr. 64 (1994/99)
Komet als Klavierstück XVII, for electronic piano (synthesizer), electronic and concrete music, sound projectionist, 71⁄2 ex Nr. 64 (1994/99) (see: Klavierstücke)
Kontakte ("Contacts"), for electronic sounds, Nr. 12 (1958–60)
Kontakte, for electronic sounds, piano, and percussion, Nr. 121⁄2 (1958–60)
Originale ("Originals"), musical theatre with Kontakte, Nr. 122⁄3 (1961)
Kontra-Punkte ("Counter-Points"), for 10 instruments, Nr. 1 (1952–53)
Kreuzspiel ("Crossplay"), for oboe, bass clarinet, piano, and 3 percussionists, Nr. 1/7 (1951)
Kurzwellen ("Short Waves"), for 6 players with live electronics, plus sound director, Nr. 25 (1968)
Licht-Ruf ("Light Call"), for trumpet, basset horn, and trombone, or other instruments, Nr. 67 (1995)
Linker Augenbrauentanz ("Left-Eyebrow Dance"), for flutes and basset horn(s), one percussionist, and one synthesizer player, 1. ex Nr. 53, from Luzifers Tanz, scene 3 of Samstag aus Licht (1983)
Linker Augentanz ("Left-Eye Dance") for saxophones, synthesizer and percussion, 3. ex Nr. 53, from Luzifers Tanz, scene 3 of Samstag aus Licht (1983/90)
Litanei 97 ("Litany 97"), for choir with conductor, Nr. 74 (1997)
Mantra, for 2 pianists (with wood blocks and antique cymbals) and electronics, Nr. 32 (1970)
Menschen, hört ("Mankind, Hear"), for vocal sextet (SSATBB, with 6 microphones, 6 or 2 × 2 loudspeakers, mixing desk and sound projectionist), 4. ex Nr. 70, from Michaelion, scene 4 from Mittwoch aus Licht (1997)
Mikrophonie I, for tamtam (2 players), 2 microphones, 2 filters with potentiometers, and 4 pair of loudspeakers, Nr. 15 (1964)
Mikrophonie II, for 12 voices, Hammond organ (or synthesizer), 4 ring modulators, and tape, Nr. 17 (1965)
Mittwoch-Formel ("Wednesday Formula"), Nr. 731⁄2, for percussion trio (2004)
Mixtur ("Mixture"), for orchestra, 4 sinewave generators, and 4 ring-modulators, Nr. 16 (1964)
Mixtur, version for small orchestra, Nr. 161⁄2 (1964/67)
Mixtur 2003, for 5 instrumental groups, 4 sinewave-generator players, 4 sound mixers with 4 ring modulators, and sound director, Nr. 162⁄3 (1964/67/2003)
Momente ("Moments"), for soprano solo, 4 choirs, and 13 instrumentalists, Nr. 13 (1962–64/69)
Musik im Bauch ("Music in the Belly"), for 6 percussionists and music boxes, Nr. 41 (1975)
Nasenflügeltanz ("Wing-of-the-Nose Dance"), for solo percussionist, or for percussionist with a synthesizer player, 7. ex Nr. 53, from Luzifers Tanz, scene 3 of Samstag aus Licht (1983)
Natürliche Dauern ("Natural Durations"), for piano. See: Klang: Third Hour
Oberlippentanz ("Upper-Lip Dance"), for piccolo trumpet, trombone or euphonium, 4 or 8 horns, 2 percussionists (with 2 transmitters, 10 microphones, 2 × 2 loudspeakers, mixing desk and sound projectionist), or as solo for piccolo trumpet 8. ex Nr. 53, cadenza from Luzifers Tanz, scene 3 from Samstag aus Licht (1983)
Originale ("Originals"), musical theatre, Nr. 122⁄3 (1961) [Cf. Kontakte, above]
Paare vom Freitag ("Couples of Friday") with soprano, bass, electronic instruments (tape) Nr. 63 (1992/99)
Pietà, for flugelhorn and electronic music, or for flugelhorn, soprano, and electronic music, Nr. 611⁄2, from act 2 of Dienstag aus Licht (1990/91)
Plus-Minus, 2 x 7 pages for realization, Nr. 14 (1963)
Pole ("Poles"), for 2 players or singers with 2 short-wave radios, Nr. 30 (1969–70)
Prozession ("Procession"), for 6 players with live electronics, Nr. 23 (1967)
Punkte ("Points"), for orchestra, Nr. 1⁄2 (1952/62/66/93)
Quitt ("Even"), for alto flute, clarinet, and trumpet, 1. ex Nr. 59 (1989)
Rechter Augenbrauentanz ("Right-Eyebrow Dance"), for clarinets, bass clarinet(s), one percussionist, and one synthesizer player (with c. 8 microphones, 2 × 2 loudspeakers, mixing desk, and sound projectionist), 2. ex Nr. 53, from Luzifers Tanz, scene 3 of Samstag aus Licht (1983/2003)
Rechter Augentanz ("Right-Eye Dance"), for oboes, cor anglais, bassoons, one percussionist, and one synthesizer player, 4. ex Nr. 53, from Luzifers Tanz, scene 3 of Samstag aus Licht (1983)
Rechter Backentanz ("Right-Cheek Dance"), for trumpets, trombones, one percussionist, and one synthesizer player, 6. ex Nr. 53, from Luzifers Tanz, scene 3 of Samstag aus Licht (1983)
Refrain, for piano (+ 3 woodblocks), vibraphone (+ 3 alpine cowbells and keyboard glockenspiel), and celesta (+ 3 antique cymbals), Nr. 11 (1959)
3 x Refrain 2000, for sampler-celesta (+ 3 antique cymbals), piano (+ 3 woodblocks), vibraphone (+ 3 alpine cowbells and keyboard glockenspiel), and sound director, Nr. 111⁄2 (2000)
Rotary Wind Quintet, for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and horn, Nr. 701⁄2 (1997)
Zeitmaße ("Time Measures"), for oboe, flute, cor anglais, clarinet, and bassoon, Nr. 5 (1955–56)
Zungenspitzentanz ("Tip-of-the-Tongue Dance") for piccolo flute, dancer (optional) 2 euphoniums or synthesizer, 1 percussionist (optional) (plus 1 transmitter, 5 microphones, 2 x 2 loudspeakers, mixing desk and sound projectionist), or as piccolo solo, 9. ex Nr. 53, from Luzifers Tanz, scene 3 of Samstag aus Licht (1983)
Zyklus ("Cycle"), for a percussionist, Nr. 9 (1959)