Lotta Rain (Japanese: ロッタレイン, Hepburn: Rotta Rein) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tsuyoshi Matsumoto. It was serialized in Shogakukan's seinen manga magazine Monthly Ikki from April to September 2014, when the magazine ceased its publication, and the series was transferred to Hibana, where it ran from March 2015 to June 2017.
Written and illustrated by Tsuyoshi Matsumoto [ja], Lotta Rain was serialized in Shogakukan's seinen manga magazine Monthly Ikki from April 25[1] to September 25, 2014,[2][3] when the magazine ceased its publication.[4] The series was transferred to Monthly Ikki's replacement, Hibana [ja],[5] where it ran from March 6, 2015,[6] to June 7, 2017.[7] Shogakukan collected its chapters in three tankōbon volumes, released from August 10 to October 12, 2017.[8]
The series was recommended by Japanese filmmaker Makoto Shinkai.[8] The series ranked 17th, alongside Adrian Tomine's Killing and Dying and Ai Tanaka's Limbo the King, on "The Best Manga 2018 Kono Manga wo Yome!" ranking by Freestyle magazine.[12]