The film, set in a magical village inhabited by colorful beings and creatures that are part of a medieval kingdom, follows the story of Gigante (Xóchitl Ugarte), Ada (Aguirre) and Trafalgar (Trujo), three misfit children who join forces to rescue Princess Luna (Gaby Ugarte), daughter of the kingdom's rulers; At the same time, they must recover a powerful magic scroll and defeat Titán Caradura (De la Torre), a young sorcerer who wants to steal the magic of the villagers to become powerful and take over the kingdom.
Magos y Gigantes tells the story of Gigante, a vertically challenged giant, Ada, a fairy whose wings have yet to blossom, and Trafalgar, a curious-looking little wizard, and their adventures while attending the biggest magic tournament in the land of Reino Magico. Mayhem ensues when Titan Caradura, an evil wizard, is disqualified from the tournament and seeks revenge by hatching up an elaborate plan to steal the magic powers from all the inhabitants of Reino Magico.
Xóchitl Ugarte as Gigante, a young giant who didn't grow up to be one.
The film was released in theaters on November 19, 2003 in Mexico, produced by Ánima Estudios and distributed by 20th Century Fox Mexico. The film was produced in flash animation, which is the first animated film to be released theatrically, using that animation.