Manoj is a young boy who lives in a small town in Bengal with his two siblings and a weird family which has his parents, grandmother, two uncles and a grand-aunt. Each member in his family is a special character with some quirk or the other. Two other members are also there at his place; one teacher who forgets all his education if he has to sit straight while studying and a music teacher, who gets suicidal every morning after singing a wrong tune.
The story opens on a typical day at Manoj’s household where all his family members are creating chaos as usual. While a cow from their cow shed has run away, Manoj’s grand-aunt is wreaking havoc on the house. The day goes through various twists and turns with visits by a detective, who is so staunch in his professionalism that he never enters a house through the main door and a police officer, who is a peace-loving man.
While this is going on at the house, there is a dangerous robbery being planned by a group of vicious dacoits led by a young man. They plan to rob the royal palace but the king is in rather bad shape as he is a miser with no income to speak of. While Manoj’s uncle gets involved in the robbery, Manoj gets involved in saving the royal palace.
Drama, action and loads of laughter later, the king and queen find their lost son and Manoj gets back his family of lovely weirdos.