St Martin's Black Mill, a smock mill that was marked on the 1819-43 Ordnance Survey map and demolished in 1868. The sails and major machinery being installed in New Mill, Blean.[4] The mill had a three storey smock on a two storey base, with a stage at first floor level. There was one pair of shuttered sails and one pair of common sails. It was winded by a fantail.[5]
St Lawrence Mill, a smock mill marked on the 1819-43 Ordnance Survey map that was burnt down on 15 May 1873.[4] The millers were Richard Fuller in 1845 and J Chantler in 1862.[6] This mill stood on or near the site of Canterbury's earliest recorded windmill, which stood at Little Foxmould in the Ridingate area. This mill was granted to the Hospital of Eastbridge by the Prioress and Nuns of the church of St Sepulchre early in the thirteenth century.[7]