The Minister without portfolio (Albanian: Ministër pa portofol) was a member of the Albanian government who performed important administrative tasks but was not in charge of leading a select ministerial office or held a specific title. The minister and other subservient offices of the government carried out their duties in accordance with the general policies defined by the council of ministers.[1]
^A delegate without portfolio was not officially appointed as minister but held the interim position of a minister. As such, they are listed with an asterix.
^The ranking is not chronological since several ministers served simultaneously in the position.
^Francesco Cancellario d'Alena, Nicola Russo Attoma and Mario Bianchi served as members of the Interim Administrative Committee.
^Muho Asllani served as Minister near the Council of Ministers.
^Farudin Hoxha served as Minister near the Council of Ministers.
^Rexhep Uka served as Minister without portfolio in charge of addressing issues of local governance.