Palm butter or palm cream, frequently known as moambe, mwambe or nyembwe, is an ingredient made from the pericarp (not the seeds) of palm nuts, the fruit of the African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) tree. It forms an important ingredient in stews and sauces in African cuisine.
Dishes made with the sauce often include peanuts, peanut sauce, or peanut butter. The meat usually used in the dishes is chicken but other meats, such as beef, fish, mutton, or any wild game meat, such as crocodile or venison, are used as well. Moambe chicken is considered a national dish of three African countries.
Regional variations
In order to make palm butter, palm nuts are boiled and then pounded. The pulp is mixed with water, sieved and boiled again. Canned palm soup base, also called sauce graine or noix de palme may be substituted.[1]
In Angola, the dish is called moamba de galinha and is considered a national dish as well. It is usually served with funge, a manioc purée, and can be made with fish on occasions.[2]
In Gabon, the sauce is usually called nyembwe, from the Myene word for palm oil.[5] The most important dish using nyembwe is nyembwe chicken (French: poulet [au] nyembwe or poulet [au] gnemboue) which is considered a national dish of Gabon.[5]
Jessica B. Harris "Recipe for Mwambe Beef."The Africa Cookbook: Tastes of a Continent. Reprinted at The Global Gourmet website. Retrieved 10 March 2009.
Nyembwe Sauce Recipe at Celtnet Recipes website. Retrieved 10 March 2009.