Néboa is a Spanish mystery-thriller television series starring Emma Suárez and Isabel Naveira. Created by Xosé Morais, Víctor Sierra and Alberto Guntín, produced by RTVE and Voz Audiovisual and set in Galicia, the plot concerns the investigation on a series of serial murders taking place in a small island community during the carnival. It aired on La 1 in 2020. PremiseThe story is set in Néboa, a fictional island off the coast of Galicia.[1] The corpse of a teenager appears during the first night of the entroido carnival in Néboa.[2] The murder mimics the pattern of past killings that occurred in 1919 and 1989, both of which sparked a serial killing row with multiple deaths.[2] Locals believe the killer is the Urco, a wolf headed man from the folk stories.[2][1] Three Guardia Civil agents, Mónica Ortiz, Carmela Souto and Lieutenant Ferro try to solve the mystery and avoid another serial killing rampage.[3][4] Cast
Production and releaseThe series was produced by RTVE and the Galician production company Voz Audiovisual.[7] It was created by Xosé Morais, Víctor Sierra and Alberto Guntín.[2] The episodes were directed by Gonzalo López-Gallego, Jorge Saavedra and Manu Gómez.[8] It was primarily filmed from May to September 2019 in Ortegal, in the north of the province of A Coruña.[9] Other locations included Estaca de Bares, O Barqueiro, Ortigueira and Cariño.[9] Most cast members were Galician (a notable exception being Emma Suárez).[9][10] The first episode premiered in prime time on La 1 on 15 January 2020.[11] The weekly broadcasting run of the 8-episode series ended on 4 March 2020.[11]
Awards and nominations