Padam, padam...
"Padam, padam..." is a song originally released in 1951 by Édith Piaf. The melody of the song was originally composed in 1942 by Norbert Glanzberg,[1] and lyrics were later added by Henri Contet .[2][3][4] CompositionIt is a waltz.[5] The song has been described as "maddeningly catchy".[6] The person singing the song experiences a music-related memory. She describes how a certain melody evokes in her memories of a former lover,[7] hence the onomatopoeia of "padam, padam..." of one's heartbeat.[1] Track listings7-inch EP EMI Columbia ESRF 1023 (1954, France) Cover versionsThe song was covered, among others, by Tony Martin,[10][11] Mireille Mathieu,[12] Michael Heltau, Chimène Badi,[13] Patricia Kaas,[14] and Ann Christy. Another cover in 1988 was sung together by members of Italian bands Litfiba, Violet Eves, and Moda. In 2023, Yeong Taek Seo, a member of Forténa covered the song. References