Pajama Friends is a reality program about four women (Song Ji-hyo, Joy, Jang Yoon-ju and Cheng Xiao) who work in different fields in the industry and came together to enjoy 2-day-and-1-night vacations in hotels of various styles within Korea. Due to the women's shared preferences, the locations commonly have a spa pool and/or a swimming pool.[4][5]
Gyeongwonjae Ambassador Incheon, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon (ep 3 - 4), the only five-star hotel in a form of a traditional Korean Palace in the 16th century. Well known for being surrounded by modern skyscrapers, and was used as the filming location for both The Lonely and Great God – Goblin and Tempted.
Park Roche Hotel, Jeongseon, Gangwon-do, (ep 8-9), the first 4-star hotel, and the first hotel featured in the countryside. Its main theme is holistic wellbeing, which includes many lessons, but unlike a gym, its sole purpose is to relax your mind and detox your body.
Lotte World, Jamsil-dong, Seoul (ep 10), a recreation complex includes its own hotel, amusement park, aquarium, ice rink and zoo. They were only in for the thrill rides before heading off to the hotel.
Vista WalkerHill Seoul, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul (ep 10-11) an American-style hotel chain on the edge of Seoul. Situated on the less populous side of Han River, Seoul resting on Achasan Mountain. The first hotel in Korea to have IOT voice-command services for adjusting lighting, curtains, etc.
Anati Cove Spa & Resorts, Gijan, Busan (ep 12-13) Overseeing the sea, while it is known for its spa and swimming pool, it also boast its own mini shopping town, large library with mini library in each extremely large hotel apartment units.
Hilton Hotel, Busan, a world-renowned 5-star hotel chain opened in February 2017. It was used as the filming location for The Bride of Habaek. They only stayed there for post-production meals with the production crew.
Common timing checkpoints
Early Check-in (3rd stop): 11am
Assembly: 1 pm
Check-in: 2 pm or 3pm
Dinner: 7 pm
Arrival of Cinderella boy: 10 pm
Cinderella boy leaves: 12 am
Clean-down time: 12:30am
Daniel's Wake-up call: 7:30 am (disabled in 5th stop)
Morning exercise: 9 am
Check-out: 11am or 12 pm
PJPJ is a non-promotional dance group spawned from the final episode, with Seolhyun as the leader and dance instructor and Yoon-ju as the MV director.