The drama is based on strained relations between Pakeeza (Aamina Sheikh) and Jibran (Alyy Khan). They have a daughter, Kiran, who is irritated by Jibran torturing Pakeeza day by day. Jibran has a sister, Naima (Angeline Malik), who is married to Ahmer (Khaled Anam) and has a daughter, Shehzadi/Maham. Kiran likes Shehzadi and her parents more than her parents. Ahmer has a brother Azeem (Adnan Siddiqui), who befriends Pakeeza. Each episode of drama includes a fight between Pakeeza and Jibran.
The drama revolves around the woman, Pakeeza (Aamina Sheikh), who is a painter and housewife. Her paintings are good, and she is awarded many times in the media because of her talent. She is married to Jibran (Alyy Khan), a misogynist, who cares less about his wife and beats her lot because she has fame. Pakeeza has a daughter, Kiran, who is depressed about listening to her parents' fights. Pakeeza is the best friend of Naima (Angeline Malik), who later becomes her sister-in-law as Naima's brother Jibran comes into her life. She finds solace in her friend Azeem (Adnan Siddiqui), who helps her in every difficulty.
The series was made available on iflix however in 2019 all the episodes were pulled off. Still, it is available on Indian streaming platform MX Player.