The plot revolves around Sagar, his parents and his siblings. One of Sagar's hands is paralyzed in an accident, in an attempt to save his mother. He and his younger brother Rahul work in a factory. Rahul is married to Swapna, who starts smuggling the factory goods. When this comes to light, Sagar takes the blame and loses his job. Later, when Sagar asks Rahul to borrow some money due to his mother's ill health, his brother harasses him and he returns empty-handed.
Sagar loves Pakhi, but Pakhi's mother opposes their affair. She sees this situation as an opportunity to separate the two lovers. She makes a deal with Sagar: she will give him the money required for his mother's treatment, but in return, he must forget Pakhi. Meanwhile, Sagar's father steals money from Rahul without his knowledge; this results in Rahul further abusing Sagar. Pakhi and her father stop a violent clash by saying that Sagar's father did not steal the money, but that instead, the money was borrowed from them.
The film ends as Rahul's father confesses his deeds and all the misunderstandings are solved. The family leads a happy life thereafter.