It operates as train number 22138 from Ahmedabad Junction to Nagpur Junction and as train number 22137 in the reverse direction.
The 22137/22138 Nagpur–Ahmedabad Prerana Express presently has ICF coach, 1 AC II tier, 3 AC III tier, 9 Sleeper class, 2 General unreserved and 2 SLR.
As with most train services in India, coach composition may be amended at the discretion of Indian Railways depending on demand.
The 11454 Nagpur–Ahmedabad Prerana Express covers the distance of 957 kilometres in 18 hours 10 mins (52.68 km/h) and in 19 hours 40 mins (48.66 km/h) as 11453 Ahmedabad–Nagpur Prerana Express.
As the average speed of the train is below 55 km/h, as per Indian Railways rules, its fare does not include a Superfast surcharge.
22137 Nagpur–Ahmedabad Prerana Express leaves Nagpur Junction every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday at 8:15 am hrs IST and reaches Ahmedabad Junction at 10:45 PM hrs IST the next day.
22138 Ahmedabad–Nagpur Prerana Express leaves Ahmedabad Junction every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7:10 PM hrs IST and reaches Nagpur Junction at 10:00 AM hrs IST the next day.