Pseudohistory is a form of pseudoscholarship that attempts to distort or misrepresent the historical record, often by employing methods resembling those used in scholarly historical research. The related term cryptohistory is applied to pseudohistory derived from the superstitions intrinsic to occultism. Pseudohistory is related to pseudoscience and pseudoarchaeology, and usage of the terms may occasionally overlap. Although pseudohistory comes in many forms, scholars have identified many features that tend to be common in pseudohistorical works; one example is that the use of pseudohistory is almost always motivated by a contemporary political, religious, or personal agenda. Pseudohistory also frequently presents sensational claims or a big lie about historical facts which would require unwarranted revision of the historical record.[3]
Another hallmark of pseudohistory is an underlying premise that scholars have a furtive agenda to suppress the promotor's thesis—a premise commonly corroborated by elaborate conspiracy theories. Works of pseudohistory often point exclusively to unreliable sources—including myths and legends, often treated as literal historical truth—to support the thesis being promoted while ignoring valid sources that contradict it. Sometimes a work of pseudohistory will adopt a position of historical relativism, insisting that there is really no such thing as historical truth and that any hypothesis is just as good as any other. Many works of pseudohistory conflate mere possibility with actuality, assuming that if something could have happened, then it did.
The term pseudohistory was coined in the early nineteenth century, which makes the word older than the related terms pseudo-scholarship and pseudoscience.[4] In an attestation from 1815, it is used to refer to the Contest of Homer and Hesiod, a purportedly historical narrative describing an entirely fictional contest between the Greek poets Homer and Hesiod.[5] The pejorative sense of the term, labelling a flawed or disingenuous work of historiography, is found in another 1815 attestation.[6] Pseudohistory is akin to pseudoscience in that both forms of falsification are achieved using the methodology that purports to, but does not, adhere to the established standards of research for the given field of intellectual enquiry of which the pseudoscience claims to be a part, and which offers little or no supporting evidence for its plausibility.[7]: 7–18
Writers Michael Shermer and Alex Grobman define pseudohistory as "the rewriting of the past for present personal or political purposes".[8]: 2 Other writers take a broader definition; Douglas Allchin, a historian of science, contends that when the history of scientific discovery is presented in a simplified way, with drama exaggerated and scientists romanticized, this creates wrong stereotypes about how science works, and in fact constitutes pseudohistory, despite being based on real facts.[9]
Robert Todd Carroll has developed a list of criteria to identify pseudo-historic works. He states that:
Pseudohistory is purported history which:
Treats myths, legends, sagas and similar literature as literal truth
Is neither critical nor skeptical in its reading of ancient historians, taking their claims at face value and ignoring empirical or logical evidence contrary to the claims of the ancients
Is on a mission, not a quest, seeking to support some contemporary political or religious agenda rather than find out the truth about the past
Often denies that there is such a thing as historical truth, clinging to the extreme skeptical notion that only what is absolutely certain can be called 'true' and nothing is absolutely certain, so nothing is true
Often maintains that history is nothing but mythmaking and that different histories are not to be compared on such traditional academic standards as accuracy, empirical probability, logical consistency, relevancy, completeness, fairness or honesty, but on moral or political grounds
Is selective in its use of ancient documents, citing favorably those that fit with its agenda, and ignoring or interpreting away those documents which do not fit
Considers the possibility of something being true as sufficient to believe it is true if it fits with one's agenda
Often maintains that there is a conspiracy to suppress its claims because of racism, atheism or ethnocentrism, or because of opposition to its political or religious agenda[10]
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke prefers the term "cryptohistory". He identifies two necessary elements as "a complete ignorance of the primary sources" and the repetition of "inaccuracies and wild claims".[11][12]
Other common characteristics of pseudohistory are:
The arbitrary linking of disparate events so as to form – in the theorist's opinion – a pattern. This is typically then developed into a conspiracy theory postulating a hidden agent responsible for creating and maintaining the pattern. For example, the pseudohistorical The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail links the Knights Templar, the medieval Grail Romances, the Merovingian Frankish dynasty and the artist Nicolas Poussin in an attempt to identify lineal descendants of Jesus.
Hypothesising the consequences of unlikely events that "could" have happened, thereby assuming tacitly that they did.
The following are some common categories of pseudohistorical theory, with examples. Not all theories in a listed category are necessarily pseudohistorical; they are rather categories that seem to attract pseudohistorians.
Main categories
Alternative chronologies
An alternative chronology is a revised sequence of events that deviates from the standard timeline of world history accepted by mainstream scholars. An example of an "alternative chronology" is Anatoly Fomenko's New Chronology, which claims that recorded history actually began around AD 800 and all events that allegedly occurred prior to that point either never really happened at all or are simply inaccurate retellings of events that happened later.[14] One of its outgrowths is the Tartary conspiracy theory. Other, less extreme examples, are the phantom time hypothesis, which asserts that the years AD 614–911 never took place; and the New Chronology of David Rohl, which claims that the accepted timelines for ancient Egyptian and Israelite history are wrong.[15]
Historical falsification
In the eighth century, a forged document known as Donation of Constantine, which supposedly transferred authority over Rome and the western part of the Roman Empire to the Pope, became widely circulated.[16] In the twelfth century, Geoffrey of Monmouth published the History of the Kings of Britain, a pseudohistorical work purporting to describe the ancient history and origins of the British people. The book synthesises earlier Celtic mythical traditions to inflate the deeds of the mythical King Arthur. The contemporary historian William of Newburgh wrote around 1190 that "it is quite clear that everything this man wrote about Arthur and his successors, or indeed about his predecessors from Vortigern onwards, was made up, partly by himself and partly by others".[17]
Another example of historical revisionism is the thesis, found in the writings of David Barton and others, asserting that the United States was founded as an exclusively Christian nation.[22][23][24] Mainstream historians instead support the traditional position, which holds that the American founding fathers intended for church and state to be kept separate.[25][26]
While closely related to previous categories, historical negationism or denialism specifically aims to outright deny the existence of confirmed events, often including various massacres, genocides, and national histories.
Mainstream historians have categorized psychohistory as pseudohistory.[34][35] Psychohistory is an amalgam of psychology, history, and related social sciences and the humanities.[36] Its stated goal is to examine the "why" of history, especially the difference between stated intention and actual behavior. It also states as its goal the combination of the insights of psychology, especially psychoanalysis, with the research methodology of the social sciences and humanities to understand the emotional origin of the behavior of individuals, groups and nations, past and present.
Pseudoarchaeology refers to a false interpretation of records, namely physical ones, often by unqualified or otherwise amateur archeologists. These interpretations are often baseless and seldom align with established consensus. Nazi archaeology is a prominent example of this technique.[37] Frequently, people who engage in pseudoarchaeology have a very strict interpretation of evidence and are unwilling to alter their stance, resulting in interpretations that often appear overly simplistic and fail to capture the complexity and nuance of the complete narrative.[38]
Various examples of pseudohistory
(These following examples can belong to a variety of the above mentioned categories, or ones not mentioned as well).
Ancient aliens, ancient technologies, and lost lands
Immanuel Velikovsky's books Worlds in Collision (1950), Ages in Chaos (1952), and Earth in Upheaval (1955), which became "instant bestsellers",[7] demonstrated that pseudohistory based on ancient mythology held potential for tremendous financial success[7] and became models of success for future works in the genre.[7]
In 1968, Erich von Däniken published Chariots of the Gods?, which claims that ancient visitors from outer space constructed the pyramids and other monuments. He has since published other books in which he makes similar claims. These claims have all been categorized as pseudohistory.[7]: 201 Similarly, Zechariah Sitchin has published numerous books claiming that a race of extraterrestrial beings from the Planet Nibiru known as the Anunnaki visited Earth in ancient times in search of gold, and that they genetically engineered humans to serve as their slaves. He claims that memories of these occurrences are recorded in Sumerian mythology, as well as other mythologies all across the globe. These speculations have likewise been categorized as pseudohistory.[39][40]
The ancient astronaut hypothesis was further popularized in the United States by the History Channel television series Ancient Aliens.[41] History professor Ronald H. Fritze observed that the pseudohistorical claims promoted by von Däniken and the Ancient Aliens program have a periodic popularity in the US:[7][42] "In a pop culture with a short memory and a voracious appetite, aliens and pyramids and lost civilizations are recycled like fashions."[7]: 201 [42]
The author Graham Hancock has sold over four million copies of books promoting the pseudohistorical thesis that all the major monuments of the ancient world, including Stonehenge, the Egyptian pyramids, and the moai of Easter Island, were built by a single ancient supercivilization,[43] which Hancock claims thrived from 15,000 to 10,000 BC and possessed technological and scientific knowledge equal to or surpassing that of modern civilization.[7] He first advanced the full form of this argument in his 1995 bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods,[7] which won popular acclaim, but scholarly disdain.[7]Christopher Knight has published numerous books, including Uriel's Machine (2000), expounding pseudohistorical assertions that ancient civilizations possessed technology far more advanced than the technology of today.[44][45][46][47]
The claim that a lost continent known as Lemuria once existed in the Pacific Ocean has likewise been categorized as pseudohistory.[7]: 11
Furthermore, similar conspiracy theories promote the idea of embellished, fabricated accounts of historical civilizations, namely Khazaria and Tartaria.
The Sun Language Theory is a pseudohistorical ideology which argues that all languages are descended from a form of proto-Turkish.[57] The theory may have been partially devised in order to legitimize Arabic and Semitic loanwords occurring in the Turkish language by instead asserting that the Arabic and Semitic words were derived from the Turkish ones rather than vice versa.[58]
A large number of nationalist pseudohistorical theories deal with the legendary Ten Lost Tribes of ancient Israel. British-Israelism, also known as Anglo-Israelism, the most famous example of this type, has been conclusively refuted by mainstream historians using evidence from a vast array of different fields of study.[59][60][61]
Another nationalistic pseudohistorical theory is Antiquization or Ancient Macedonism, which postulates direct demographic, cultural and linguistic continuity between ancient Macedonians and the main ethnic group in present-day North Macedonia.[62][63] The Bulgarian medieval dynasty of the Komitopules, which ruled the First Bulgarian Empire in late 10th and early 11th centuries AD, is presented as "Macedonian", ruling a "medieval Macedonian state", because its capitals were located in what was previously the ancient kingdom of Macedonia.[64]North Macedonian historians often replace the ethnonym "Bulgarians" with "Macedonians", or avoid it.[65][66] North Macedonian scholars say the theory is intended to forge a national identity distinct from modern Bulgaria, which regards North Macedonia as an artificial nation.[67] The theory is controversial in Greece and sparked 2018 mass protests there.[68] A particular item of dispute is North Macedonian veneration of Alexander the Great; mainstream scholarship holds that Alexander had Greek ancestry, he was born in an area of ancient Macedonia that is now Greece, and he ruled over North Macedonia but never lived there and did not speak the local language.[67][69] To placate Greece and thereby facilitate the country's entry into the European Union and NATO, the Macedonian government formally renounced claims of ancient Macedonian heritage with the 2018 Prespa Agreement.[67][68]
Dacianism is a Romanian pseudohistorical current that attempts to attribute far more influence over European and world history to the Dacians than that which they actually enjoyed.[70] Dacianist historiography claims that the Dacians held primacy over all other civilizations, including the Romans;[71] that the Dacian language was the origin of Latin and all other languages, such as Hindi and Babylonian;[72] and sometimes that the Zalmoxis cult has structural links to Christianity.[73] Dacianism was most prevalent in National CommunistRomania, as the Ceaușescu regime portrayed the Dacians as insurgents defying an "imperialist" Rome; the Communist Party had formally attached "protochronism", as Dacianism was known, to Marxist ideology by 1974.[74]
The consensus among academics is that no unambiguously and strictly matriarchal society is known to have existed, though many societies are known to have or have had some matriarchal features, in particular matrilineality, matrilocality, and/or matrifocality.[75][76] Anthropologist Donald Brown's list of human cultural universals (viz., features shared by nearly all current human societies) includes men being the "dominant element" in public political affairs,[77] which is the contemporary opinion of mainstream anthropology.[78]
Some societies that are matrilineal or matrifocal may in fact have patriarchal power structures, and thus be misidentified as matriarchal.
The idea that matriarchal societies existed and they preceded patriarchal societies was first raised in the 19th-century among Western academics, but it has since been discredited.[78]
Excluding the Norse colonization of the Americas, most theories of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact have been classified as pseudohistory, including claims that the Americas were actually discovered by Arabs or Muslims.[80]Gavin Menzies' book 1421: The Year China Discovered the World, which argues for the idea that Chinese sailors discovered America, has also been categorized as a work of pseudohistory.[7]: 11
Racist pseudohistory
Josiah Priest and other nineteenth-century American writers wrote pseudohistorical narratives that portrayed African Americans and Native Americans in an extremely negative light.[81] Priest's first book was The Wonders of Nature and Providence, Displayed (1826).[82][81] The book is regarded by modern critics as one of the earliest works of modern American pseudohistory.[81] Priest attacked Native Americans in American Antiquities and Discoveries of the West (1833)[83][81] and African-Americans in Slavery, As It Relates to the Negro (1843).[84][81] Other nineteenth-century writers, such as Thomas Gold Appleton, in his A Sheaf of Papers (1875), and George Perkins Marsh, in his The Goths in New England, seized upon false notions of Viking history to promote the superiority of white people (as well as to oppose the Catholic Church). Such misuse of Viking history and imagery reemerged in the twentieth century among some groups promoting white supremacy.[85]
Soviet communist pseudohistory
Supporters of Soviet communist pseudohistory claim, among other things, that Joseph Stalin and other top Soviet leaders did not realize the scope of mass killings perpetrated under the Stalin regime, that executions of prisoners were legally justifiable, and that prisoners in Soviet gulags performed important construction work that helped the Soviet Union economically, particularly during World War II. Scholars point to overwhelming evidence that Stalin directly helped plan mass killings, that many prisoners were sent to gulags or executed extrajudicially, and that many prisoners did no productive work, often being isolated in remote camps or given pointless and menial tasks.[86]
The Christ myth theory claims that Jesus of Nazareth never existed as a historical figure and that his existence was invented by early Christians. This argument currently finds very little support among scholars and historians of all faiths and has been described as pseudohistorical.[89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98]
The belief that Ancient India was technologically advanced to the extent of being a nuclear power is gaining popularity in India.[118] Emerging extreme nationalist trends and ideologies based on Hinduism in the political arena promote these discussions. Vasudev Devnani, the education minister for the western state of Rajasthan, said in January 2017 that it was important to "understand the scientific significance" of the cow, as it was the only animal in the world to both inhale and exhale oxygen.[119] In 2014, Prime MinisterNarendra Modi told a gathering of doctors and medical staff at a Mumbai hospital that the story of the Hindu godGanesha showed genetic science existed in ancient India.[120] Many new age pseudohistorians who focus on converting mythological stories into history are well received among the crowd. Indian Science Congress ancient aircraft controversy is a related event when Capt. Anand J. Bodas, retired principal of a pilot training facility, claimed that aircraft more advanced than today's aircraft existed in ancient India at the Indian Science Congress.[121]
As a topic of study
Courses critiquing pseudohistory are offered as undergraduate courses in liberal arts settings, one example being in Claremont McKenna College.[122]
Marchand, Laure; Perrier, Guillaume (2015). Turkey and the Armenian Ghost: On the Trail of the Genocide. McGill-Queen's Press. pp. 111–112. ISBN978-0-7735-9720-4. The Iğdır genocide monument is the ultimate caricature of the Turkish government's policy of denying the 1915 genocide by rewriting history and transforming victims into guilty parties.
Hovannisian 2001, p. 803."... the unbending attitude of the Ankara government, in 1995 of a multi-volume work of the prime ministry's state archives titled Armenian Atrocities in the Caucasus and Anatolia According to Archival Documents. The purpose of the publication is not only to reiterate all previous denials but also to demonstrate that it was in fact the Turkish people who were the victims of a genocide perpetrated by the Armenians." harvnb error: no target: CITEREFHovannisian2001 (help)
Cheterian 2015, pp. 65–66. "Some of the proponents of this official narrative have even gone so far as to claim that the Armenians were the real aggressors, and that Muslim losses were greater than those of the Armenians." harvnb error: no target: CITEREFCheterian2015 (help)
Gürpınar 2016, p. 234. "Maintaining that 'the best defence is a good offence', the new strategy involved accusing Armenians in response for perpetrating genocide against the Turks. The violence committed by the Armenian committees under the Russian occupation of Eastern Anatolia and massacring of tens of thousands of Muslims (Turks and Kurds) in revenge killings in 1916–17 was extravagantly displayed, magnified and decontextualized." harvnb error: no target: CITEREFGürpınar2016 (help)
Monthly magazine and British register, Volume 55 (February 1823), p. 449, in reference to John Galt, Ringan Gilhaize: Or, The Covenanters, Oliver & Boyd, 1823.[1]
^C. A. Elton, Remains of Hesiod the Ascraean 1815, p. xix.
^The Critical review: or, Annals of literature, Volume 1 ed. Tobias George Smollett, 1815, p. 152
^"In his book A Test of Time (1995), Rohl argues that the conventionally accepted dates for strata such as the Middle and Late Bronze Ages in Palestine are wrong" – in Daniel Jacobs, Shirley Eber, Francesca Silvani, Israel and The Palestinian Territories: The Rough Guide, p. 424 (Rough Guides Ltd., 2nd rev. ed., 1998). ISBN978-1-85828-248-0
^Thorpe, Lewis. The History of the Kings of Britain. p. 17.
^Hope, Warren and Kim Holston. The Shakespeare Controversy (2009) 2nd ed., 3: "In short, this is a history written in opposition to the current prevailing view".
^Potter, Lois. "Marlowe onstage" in Constructing Christopher Marlowe, James Alan Downie and J. T. Parnell, eds. (2000, 2001), paperback ed., 88–101; 100: "The possibility that Shakespeare may not really be Shakespeare, comic in the context of literary history and pseudo-history, is understandable in this world of double-agents . . ."
^Aaronovitch, David. "The anti-Stratfordians" in Voodoo Histories (2010), 226–229: "There is, however, a psychological or anthropological question to be answered about our consumption of pseudo-history and pseudoscience. I have now plowed through enough of these books to be able to state that, as a genre, they are badly written and, in their anxiety to establish their dubious neo-scholarly credentials, incredibly tedious. … Why do we read bad history books that have the added lack of distinction of not being in any way true or useful …"
^Kathman, David. Shakespeare Authorship Page: "... Shakespeare scholars regard Oxfordianism as pseudo-scholarship which arbitrarily discards the methods used by real historians. ... In order to support their beliefs, Oxfordians resort to a number of tactics which will be familiar to observers of other forms of pseudo-history and pseudo-science."
^Bilali, Rezarta; Iqbal, Yeshim; Freel, Samuel (9 December 2019). "Understanding and Counteracting Genocide Denial". In Newman, Leonard S. (ed.). Confronting Humanity at its Worst: Social Psychological Perspectives on Genocide. Oxford Academic. pp. 284–311. doi:10.1093/oso/9780190685942.003.0011.
^Sa'di, Ahmad H.; Abu-Lughod, Lila (2007-04-10). Nakba: Palestine, 1948, and the Claims of Memory. Columbia University Press. p. 304. ISBN978-0-231-50970-1. The myth advanced by Joan Peters in her pseudo-historical book , From Time Immemorial
^Fagan, Garrett G. (1963). Archaeological Fantasies: how pseudoarchaeology misrepresents the past and misleads the public. Routledge. p. 27. ISBN0-415-30593-4.
^Segel, Binjamin W (1996) [1926], Levy, Richard S (ed.), A Lie and a Libel: The History of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, University of Nebraska Press, p. 97, ISBN0-8032-9245-7.
^Ortiz de Montellano, Bernardo & Gabriel Haslip Viera & Warren Barbour (1997). "They were NOT here before Columbus: Afrocentric hyper-diffusionism in the 1990s". Ethnohistory. 44 (2). Duke University Press: 199–234. doi:10.2307/483368. JSTOR483368.
^Shapiro, Faydra L. (2015). Christian Zionism: Navigating the Jewish-Christian Border. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books. p. 151.
^Anastas Vangeli, Nation-building ancient Macedonian style: the origins and the effects of the so-called antiquization in Macedonia. doi:10.1080/00905992.2010.532775 Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018.
^Svetozar Rajak, Konstantina E. Botsiou, Eirini Karamouzi, Evanthis Hatzivassiliou ed. The Balkans in the Cold War. Security, Conflict and Cooperation in the Contemporary World, Springer, 2017, ISBN1137439033, p. 313.
^Brown, Donald E., Human Universals (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991), p. 137.
^ ab"The view of matriarchy as constituting a stage of cultural development now is generally discredited. Furthermore, the consensus among modern anthropologists and sociologists is that a strictly matriarchal society never existed." Encyclopædia Britannica (2007), entry Matriarchy.
^Ruth Whitehouse. "The Mother Goddess Hypothesis and Its Critics," in Handbook of Gender in Archaeology, Sarah Milledge Nelson (ed.), pp. 756–758
^In a 2011 review of the state of modern scholarship, Bart Ehrman (a secular agnostic) wrote: "He certainly existed, as virtually every competent scholar of antiquity, Christian or non-Christian, agrees" B. Ehrman, 2011 Forged : writing in the name of GodISBN978-0-06-207863-6. p. 285
^Robert M. Price (an atheist who denies the existence of Jesus) agrees that this perspective runs against the views of the majority of scholars: Robert M. Price "Jesus at the Vanishing Point" in The Historical Jesus: Five Views edited by James K. Beilby & Paul Rhodes Eddy, 2009 InterVarsity, ISBN028106329X p. 61
^Michael Grant (a classicist) states that "In recent years, 'no serious scholar has ventured to postulate the non historicity of Jesus' or at any rate very few, and they have not succeeded in disposing of the much stronger, indeed very abundant, evidence to the contrary." in Jesus: An Historian's Review of the Gospels by Michael Grant 2004 ISBN1898799881 p. 200
^Richard A. Burridge states: "There are those who argue that Jesus is a figment of the Church’s imagination, that there never was a Jesus at all. I have to say that I do not know any respectable critical scholar who says that anymore." in Jesus Now and Then by Richard A. Burridge and Graham Gould (2004) ISBN0802809774 p. 34
^Sykes, Stephen W. (2007). "Paul's understanding of the death of Jesus". Sacrifice and Redemption. Cambridge University Press. pp. 35–36. ISBN978-0-521-04460-8.
^Jarnac, Pierre (1985). Histoire du Trésor de Rennes-le-Château. Saleilles: P. Jarnac.
^Jarnac, Pierre (1988). Les Archives de Rennes-le-Château. Editions Belisane. Describing The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail as a "monument of mediocrity" Chaumeil, Jean-Luc (1994). La Table d'Isis ou Le Secret de la Lumière. Editions Guy Trédaniel.
^Etchegoin, Marie-France; Lenoir, Frédéric (2004). Code Da Vinci: L'Enquête. Robert Laffont.
^Bedu, Jean-Jacques (2005). Les sources secrètes du Da Vinci Code. Editions du Rocher.
^Sanchez Da Motta, Bernardo (2005). Do Enigma de Rennes-le-Château ao Priorado de Siao – Historia de um Mito Moderno. Esquilo.
^Morley, Neville (1999). Writing Ancient History. Cornell University Press. p. 19. ISBN0-8014-8633-5.
^Russell, Jeffrey B.; Alexander, Brooks (2007), A New History of Witchcraft: Sorcerers, Heretics and Pagans, London: Thames and Hudson, p. 154, ISBN978-0-500-28634-0
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Czech and French novelist (1929–2023) Milan KunderaKundera in 1980Born(1929-04-01)1 April 1929Brno, CzechoslovakiaDied11 July 2023(2023-07-11) (aged 94)Paris, FranceOccupationNovelistLanguageFrenchCzechCitizenshipCzechoslovakia (until 1979)Stateless (1979–1981)France (from 1981)Czech Republic (from 2019)Alma materCharles UniversityAcademy of Performing Arts in PragueParentLudvík Kundera (father)RelativesLudvík Kundera (cousin)Signature Milan Kundera (UK: /ˈkʊndərə, ˈkʌn-/ K…
2014 Chinese film12 Citizens十二公民Directed byXu Ang (徐昂)Written byJinglong Han (韩景龙)Yujiao Li (李玉娇)Based onTwelve Angry Menby Reginald RoseProduced byYan Jianwei (严建伟)Liangwen Li (李良文)Yang Ming (杨明)Luna Wang (王露娜)CinematographyTao Cai (陶彩)Edited byWang Gang (王刚)Jiale Yin (尹佳乐)Music byRadio MarsRelease dates October 19, 2014 (2014-10-19) (Rome) May 15, 2015 (2015-05-15) (China) Running time106 minutesC…
Squash at the 2018 Commonwealth GamesVenueOxenford StudiosDates5–15 April 2018Competitors106 from 28 nations← 20142022 → Squash at the2018 Commonwealth GamesSinglesmenwomenDoublesmenwomenmixedvte Squash at the 2018 Commonwealth Games was held at the Oxenford Studios on the Gold Coast, Australia from April 5 to 15.[1][2] A total of five events were scheduled to be held, two each for men and women and a mixed doubles event. It was the six…
Cet article concerne les cloisons dans une maison. Pour les cloisons d'un navire, voir Cloison (bateau). Une cloison est une séparation qui se fait dans un appartement, dans une maison, en maçonnerie, charpenterie ou menuiserie. Elle peut ou non reprendre des charges et si elle n'en reprend pas, elle peut être facilement démolie en cas de changement d'affectation du bâtiment. Une cloison peut être amovible. Cloisons anciennes Cloison dans une prison américaine En construction traditio…
Nationality Act of 1940Long titleAn Act to revise and codify the nationality laws of the United States into a comprehensive nationality code.Enacted bythe 76th United States CongressEffectiveOctober 14, 1940CitationsPublic lawPub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 76–853Statutes at Large54 Stat. 1137, Chap. 876Legislative historyIntroduced in the House as H.R. 9980 by Samuel Dickstein (D–NY) on June 5, 1940Committee consideration by U.S. House Committee on Immigra…
Peta Lokasi Kota Mojokerto Berikut ini adalah daftar kecamatan dan kelurahan di Kota Mojokerto, Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Kota Mojokerto terdiri dari 3 kecamatan dan 18 kelurahan (dari total 666 kecamatan, 777 kelurahan, dan 7.724 desa di Jawa Timur). Pada tahun 2017, jumlah penduduknya mencapai 136.583 jiwa dengan luas wilayah 16,47 km² dan sebaran penduduk 8.292 jiwa/km².[1][2] Daftar kecamatan dan kelurahan di Kota Mojokerto, adalah sebagai berikut: Kode Kemendagri Kec…
Catholic cardinal This article is about a Chilean cardinal. For the Chilean politician, see Francisco Javier Errázuriz Talavera. In this Spanish name, the first or paternal surname is Errázuriz and the second or maternal family name is Ossa. His EminenceFrancisco Javier Errázuriz OssaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Santiago de ChileArchdioceseSantiagoSeeSantiagoAppointed24 April 1998Installed17 May 1998Term ended15 December 2010PredecessorCarlos Oviedo CavadaSuccessorRicardo Ezzati A…