Lizzi Testa was born in Terni, Umbria, on 17 August 1956.[2] She was awarded a degree in Literature at the University of Florence, and completed her doctorate with a dissertation on De Regno by Synesius of Cyrene.[2]
Lizzi Testa lectured in Roman History at the University of Turin before taking up her current position at the University of Perugia.[3] She serves as a member of the Class of Ambrosian Studies at the Accademia Ambrosiana,[4] and is a member of the advisory board for CUA Studies in Early Christianity and Christianity in Late Antiquity.[5][6] During her career, she has worked on five national projects studying the development of ancient institutions in late antiquity.[3]
(1987) Il potere episcopale nell'Oriente Romano. Rappresentazione ideologica e realtà politica (IV-V secolo d.C.). Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo.
(1989) Vescovi e strutture ecclesiastiche nella città tardoantica (L'Italia Annonaria nel IV-V secolo d.C.). Como: New Press. ISBN978-8898238194.[8]
(2004) Senatori, popolo, papi. Il governo di Roma al tempo dei Valentiniani. Bari: Edipuglia. ISBN978-8872283929.[9][10]
(2022) Christian Emperors and Roman Elites in Late Antiquity. New York/London: Routledge. ISBN9781472440846.[11][12]
Edited volumes
(2006) Le trasformazioni delle élites in età tardoantica. Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Perugia, 15-16 marzo 2004). Roma: L'Erma di Bretschneider. ISBN9788882653729.
(ed. with Giorgio Bonamente and Noel Lenski) (2012) Costantino prima e dopo Costantino. Constantine before and after Constantine. Bari: Edipuglia. ISBN978-88-7228-677-7.
(2017) Late Antiquity in Contemporary Debate. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 978-1-443-84308-9.[16][17][18]
(ed. with Giovanni Alberto Cecconi and Arnaldo Marcone) (2020) The Past as Present. Essays on Roman History in Honour of Guido Clemente. Turnhout: Brepols. ISBN978-2-503-58524-6, 978-2-503-58525-3.