Ruthika is an Indian film actress who has acted in multiple Indian languages but predominantly in Telugu films. She has also made her mark in Hindi, Kannada, Bengali and Malayalam films. She made her film debut as the lead actress under the name Rutika in the 1995 Bollywood movie Sarhad: The Border of Crime. Later, she went on to play both leading and supporting roles, along with special dance numbers in various movies. She played glamorous roles in most of her films like 6 Teens, Xtra, Thrill but she is also recognized for her acting prowess in the films like Tara, Vikramarkudu, Sarhad: The Border of Crime, Ananda and Dreams. She is sighted as the bold and beautiful actress down South for her glamour and oomph factor. CareerRuthika played the lead roles in films such as 6 Teens (2001), Sorry Naaku Pellaindi (2004),[1] and Xtra (2004). Regarding her performance in Xtra, a critic wrote that "Ruthika Singh is really hot and lived up to her reputation as the Tollywood's latest sex symbol".[2] She played a sub-inspector in Vikramarkudu (2006) and went on to play supporting roles in many films.[3] FilmographyTelugu