Sakharov (film)
Sakharov is a 1984 American drama film directed by Jack Gold and written by David W. Rintels. The film stars Jason Robards, Glenda Jackson, Nicol Williamson, Frank Finlay, Michael Bryant and Paul Freeman. The film premiered on HBO on June 20, 1984.[1][2][3] PlotThe film is the story of the later life of the Russian nuclear scientist Andrei Sakharov, played by Jason Robards. In 1966, Sakharov signs the “Letter of Twenty-Five” to the 23rd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, opposing the rehabilitation of Stalin, and this event divides his life into before and after phases. What follows is official persecution and loss of awards. He becomes a human rights activist and marries fellow campaigner Yelena Bonner (Glenda Jackson). After Sakharov founds the Committee on Human Rights in the USSR, he is forced into internal exile, but is allowed by Mikhail Gorbachev to return to Moscow. He has become a notable international figure. Cast
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