Sandra, along with producer Vijay Babu founded the film-production company Friday Film House, but she got in conflict with Vijay Babu and withdrew from Friday Film House and started her own production company named Sandra Thomas Productions.[2]
Personal life
She married Wilson John Thomas in July 2016.[3][4] The couple welcomed twin daughters in 2018.[5]
Friday Film House
The film Friday (2012) was the crux of Sandra's career and also turned to be for Friday Film House, owned along with actor Vijay Babu. Though the company got established after the release of Friday, the movie is considered as the first production venture of Friday Film House.
On 3 January 2017, the founders had a quarrel with each other in their office after which Sandra filed a case against Vijay Babu. Later both declared that it was a misunderstanding and that Sandra had taken a break from the industry.[6] She started her own production company named Sandra Thomas Productions.[7]