TV series or program
Sea Hawks is an Indian television series that aired on DD Metro in the late 1990s. The story was based on the life and times of the Indian Coast Guard officers. The series stars Om Puri, R. Madhavan, Niki Aneja, Leelawar Tendulkar, Anup Soni, Simone Singh, Manoj Pahwa, Milind Soman and others. It was directed by Anubhav Sinha and produced by Anirudhya Mitra of UTV. Later, it was directed by Shivam Nair while Anirudhya Mitra took up the writing of the show. The series aired again in 2002 on Star Plus.[1] It was produced by UTV.[2]
The plot revolves around the activities of a mafia don's network, the coast guard, and the police and includes underwater and action sequences.[3]
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