Onze de Setembre (Barcelona Metro) Gold Medal of the Generalitat of Catalonia 2017–18 CERS Cup Second government of Francesc Antich Antoinette de Beaucaire Memorial 1714 Robert Saladrigas 3XL Sheila Avilés Marta Pessarrodona Proletarian Catalan Party Pubilla Carajillo Artigues, Badalona CE Lleida Llista Blava Pavelló Barris Nord Joan Miquel Oliver List of Barcelona Metro stations LluÃs Nonell Monkey Black List of mayors of Badalona Josep Pascó i Mensa Arcadi Balaguer Sant Quirze del Vallès Gelida Funicular Segre (river) Posidonius (bishop of Urgell) Date and time notation in Catalonia Barcelona Metro line 10 Àngels Ribé Communist Party of Spain (international) (1975) LluÃ…
s Solà i Sala Law on the Referendum on Self-determination of Catalonia National Day for Yes Francesc de Castellvà i Obando Casa Marieta Diana Gómez Jordi Peñarroja Jordi Guixé i Coromines 2015–16 Copa Catalunya basketball season Ivo Mattozzi Human chain (politics) Josep Termes Cardona, Spain Enric Casals Christian de Villeneuve-Esclapon Xavier Vilalta First government of Francesc Antich Antònia Abelló Barcelona Symphony Orchestra and National Orchestra of Catalonia Mariano Gómez-Zamalloa y Quirce Pilar Cabot Bel Pozueta Army of Catalonia (1713–14) The IEC Dictionar
y of the Catalan Language RubÃ, Spain Wall of the Sun and Wall of the Moon Government of José Ramón Bauzá Convent of Santo Domingo (Valencia) Joan Solà i Cortassa Ponç Hug IV, Count of Empúries Barcelona Metro line 9 2024–25 Copa Catalunya Femenina National Day of Catalonia Joaquim Albareda Tamar Novas Kazushi ÅŒno Guimerà Catalan State (1934) Follow my dreams Siege of Barcelona (1713–1714) 2018–19 Copa Catalunya basketball season The Sadistic Baron von Klaus Cymodocea nodosa Cala Morell Settlement Casket of Saint Cugat Núria Pradas List of Constitutional Court of Spain rulings against Catalan Parliament Laws Crop Contracts Law Nowhere (2023 film) List of streets and s
Gold Medal of the Generalitat of Catalonia
2017–18 CERS Cup
Second government of Francesc Antich
Antoinette de Beaucaire
Memorial 1714
Robert Saladrigas
Sheila Avilés
Marta Pessarrodona
Proletarian Catalan Party
Artigues, Badalona
CE Lleida Llista Blava
Pavelló Barris Nord
Joan Miquel Oliver
List of Barcelona Metro stations
LluÃs Nonell
Monkey Black
List of mayors of Badalona
Josep Pascó i Mensa
Arcadi Balaguer
Sant Quirze del Vallès
Gelida Funicular
Segre (river)
Posidonius (bishop of Urgell)
Date and time notation in Catalonia
Barcelona Metro line 10
Àngels Ribé
Communist Party of Spain (international) (1975)
LluÃs Solà i Sala
Law on the Referendum on Self-determination of Catalonia
National Day for Yes
Francesc de Castellvà i Obando
Casa Marieta
Diana Gómez
Jordi Peñarroja
Jordi Guixé i Coromines
2015–16 Copa Catalunya basketball season