This series is a compilation of animated sketches released on YouTube. The series, which aired several episodes a month, was originally sponsored by Burger King, who sponsored the first 10 shorts, with videos appearing on their official channel. The series was then sponsored by, and finally, Nike. There are a total of 50 episodes.[2] It saw a successful launch on MacFarlane's YouTube channel, SethComedy, which became the most watched YouTube channel of the week, generating three million video views within two days of the first episode's release.[3] MacFarlane later expressed disappointment with the quality of the series, believing he had been unable to give the show the commitment it needed at the time.[4] The series is comparable to MacFarlane's other animated shows; Family Guy, American Dad! and The Cleveland Show.
Home media
The first season, with additional content, was released on DVD, Blu-ray Disc and UMD Video on May 12, 2009 by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, and was released on DVD in the UK on January 25, 2010. In addition to the 23 episodes officially released online, 27 episodes were exclusively included on the DVD and Blu-ray release. The release uncensored the first eleven episodes which were censored online.[5]
Story by : Seth MacFarlane Teleplay by : Seth MacFarlane & Alex Carter
September 10, 2008 (2008-09-10)
Mario saves Princess Peach from Bowser, but the situation devolves into an argument when Peach refuses to give Mario a kiss as thanks. Mario allows Bowser to revive and Bowser eats Peach as an award.
A bulimic woman named Abbie visits the Psychiatrist.
Exclusively on DVD (2009–2010)
The remaining 27 shorts were all released with the previous 23 released shorts on DVD and Blu-Ray on May 12, 2009. The few shorts that were later uploaded to YouTube in 2010 but were censored for language. Since these shorts weren't released separately with ending credits, it's currently unknown who wrote, directed, and voiced the following shorts.
Wile E. Coyote succeeds in killing the Road Runner, but is now left with the question; "What do I do now?" He then works at a restaurant but got fired after raging himself from saying sorry for giving the customer the wrong order. He tries to commit suicide by using a contraption. Then he gets an idea, and becomes a religious Christian afterwards.
A censored version of this episode aired online in February 2010. Also, instead of speaking with a British accent, Wile E. speaks with an American accent.
"Sex With...#1"
A showcase of sexual moments, which include...
Mr. Sulu
A Folk Singer
A Necrophiliac
A Trapeze Artist
"A Fat Guy Working Out"
A fat guy is going to work out... and then puts it off and gets a sandwich.
"The Gay Knight"
A gay knight refuses to fight dragons due to not wanting to be killed.
A censored version of this episode aired online in March 2010.
"A Douchebag Unicorn Gives a Public Service Announcement"
A Douchebag Unicorn ends up giving a PSA about how Marijuana is great and how you should write down your ideas.
A random man stuck on a life raft with Matthew McConaughey resorts to cutting off his leg for food and eventually stabbing him in the chest as Matthew just prattles on.
"Two Persian Guys Try to Get Ladies into their Sports Car"
Two Persian guys act like stereotypes to get ladies in their sports car for a night on the town.
"He Who Lives in a Glass House..."
A man who lives in a glass house has a machine gun installed on his roof to fend off annoying neighbors.
A censored version of this episode aired online in April 2010.
"Sex With...#2"
Another showcase of sexual moments, which include...
We see Marie Antoinette's process on how she came up with "Let Them Eat Cake".
"Sheep Shearing"
A sheep gets way too interested in his owner shearing him.
"What Happens If You Feed a Dog Chocolate While He Wears a Tin Foil Hat in the Microwave"
A dog is fed chocolate while he wears a tin foil hat in the microwave for 15 seconds with disastrous results. Wil Wheaton cameos at the end, explaining that it was a bad idea.