The story revolves on two different characters Femi (Kaye Abad) and Aaron (Guji Lorenzana), the two college well-known people of their school. It revolves on these two main protagonists; Femi, a free-spirited young female whose liberated lifestyle is the only way to pave a good life and unfortunately give positivity, and Aaron on the other hand, is from a rich family whose father pushes him to work for the family business but his creative passion is art. Femi tries her best to get Aaron's attention even seducing him but Aaron knows how Femi is. These two unlike personalities who meet an unlikely attraction ensues. But when Aaron dumps Femi, Femi leaves the college in order to let go of this dilemma and heartbreak and humiliation she has suffered. 10 years later as all else failed, she lives in the present its 2009, and she is a hairstylist, but still up to her old ways now she has to lie that she is a nun, in order for Aaron to leave her alone. Will Femi learn her lesson on lying and trust?
Cast and characters
Main cast
Kaye Abad as Eufemia ‘Femi’ Dalisay - With her free spirited character, Femi is often perceived by people as a liberated woman. She is determined to try out every available means of livelihood so she can provide for her family. Femi has decided to set aside her love life, but everything will change when she meets the campus heartthrob Aaron.[2]
Guji Lorenzana as Aaron Gorospe - Born into a rich family, Aaron is taking up a Business Management course because his father wants him to be in charge of their business in the future. However, he has a different dream for himself. Good looking, quiet, and mysterious, Aaron is the heartthrob of the campus. In spite having an easy time with the girls, he is looking for the ‘one’ who will love him for who he really is.[2]