Barracuda Sphyraena sphyraena Sphyraena lucasana Argentina sphyraena Sphyraena chrysotaenia Sphyraena pinguis Sphyraena putnamae Sphyraena iburiensis Sphyraena arabiansis Sphyraena helleri Sphyraena tome Sphyraena afra Sphyraena waitii Sphyraena viridensis Bigeye barracuda Sphyraena intermedia Blackfin barracuda Sharpfin barracuda Pacific barracuda Mexican barracuda Australian barracuda Pelican barracuda Pickhandle barracuda Guachanche barracuda Yellowtail barracuda Japanese barracuda Northern sennet Obtuse barracuda Great barracuda Southern sennet List of fishes of the Mediterranean Sea Snook S. dubia Silver fish (fish) Philometra sphyra…
aenae Argentina (fish) Latericaecum Pseudolamellodiscus Jello (disambiguation) Johann Julius Walbaum Stenogobius hawaiiensis List of reef fish of the Red Sea Tylosurus acus Calvert Formation Capillariidae Yellowtail (fish) Well's Bay Double-lined mackerel Saurocephalus List of the prehistoric life of Arkansas Sicyopterus stimpsoni Mycteroperca bonaci Castillo Formation, Venezuela Chirostoma Naso vlamingii Round fantail stingray List of the Cenozoic life of Arkansas List of the prehistoric life of Mississippi Pisces in the 10th edition of Systema Naturae List of the prehistoric l
ife of North Carolina Monte Bolca List of least concern perciform fishes Protosphyraena List of tautonyms List of fishes of Great Britain List of fishes of India List of the prehistoric life of Louisiana List of the prehistoric life of Georgia (U.S. state) Diergaarde Blijdorp List of fishes of the Red Sea Species first discovered in Hong Kong Canthigaster rostrata List of fishes of Denmark Bao Bolong Wetland Reserve Palauan language List of the prehistoric life of Florida List of the prehistoric life of Alabama Taganga List of the Cenozoic life of Virginia Wildlife of Mauritius List of the Cenozoic life of Georgia (U.S. state)
Sphyraena sphyraena
Sphyraena lucasana
Argentina sphyraena
Sphyraena chrysotaenia
Sphyraena pinguis
Sphyraena putnamae
Sphyraena iburiensis
Sphyraena arabiansis
Sphyraena helleri
Sphyraena tome
Sphyraena afra
Sphyraena waitii
Sphyraena viridensis
Bigeye barracuda
Sphyraena intermedia
Blackfin barracuda
Sharpfin barracuda
Pacific barracuda
Mexican barracuda
Australian barracuda
Pelican barracuda
Pickhandle barracuda
Guachanche barracuda
Yellowtail barracuda
Japanese barracuda
Northern sennet
Obtuse barracuda
Great barracuda
Southern sennet
List of fishes of the Mediterranean Sea
S. dubia
Silver fish (fish)
Philometra sphyraenae
Argentina (fish)
Jello (disambiguation)
Johann Julius Walbaum