The series originally was pitched by Mark Long on social media for a season with "old-school" cast members. His pitch went viral in June 2020, and he started reaching out to former cast members and eventually to The Challenge's production company, Bunim/Murray Productions. In August 2020, Long and Bunim/Murray official announced a partnership to work together on the series. Along with being a cast member, Long was also an executive producer. Other executive producers include Julie Pizzi, Justin Booth, Dan Caster and Leanne Mucci, with Jack Reifert as co-executive producer.[3][4]
On February 24, 2021, the show was officially announced as The Challenge: All Stars, and premiered on the streaming service on April 1, 2021.[5] On October 13, 2021, the series was renewed for a second season, which premiered on November 11, 2021.[6] The series was then renewed for a third season, which premiered on May 11, 2022.[7][8]
A fourth season, which premiered on April 10, 2024, was filmed in early 2023 in South Africa. For the first time in the series, the cast also included a cast member who originally debuted on Are You the One?.[9][10]
On December 18, 2024, the fifth season was announced with a "Rivals" theme. Additionally, it was revealed that the season would be moving from Paramount+ to MTV, with the premiere scheduled for January 29, 2025.[11]