In the operating room of The Stitch in Time Hospital, Dr. Quack and Dr. Daffy Duck prepare for surgery. However, Daffy's antics cause chaos, leading to his expulsion from the room and an embarrassing mishap with an iron lung. Determined to redeem himself, Daffy seizes an opportunity when he spots Porky Pig passing by. Knocking Porky out, Daffy brings him into the hospital for an unnecessary examination. Despite Porky's protests, Daffy persists, ultimately leading to a comical chase throughout the hospital, culminating in both characters getting caught in the iron lung once more.
^Beck, Jerry; Friedwald, Will (1989). Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies: A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Warner Bros. Cartoons. Henry Holt and Co. p. 80. ISBN0-8050-0894-2.