The Dotty Mack Show
The Dotty Mack Show is an American variety show originally broadcast on the now defunct DuMont Television Network in 1953, and on ABC from 1953 to 1956. Broadcast historyThe program, produced and distributed from Cincinnati,[1] aired Monday at 10:45 pm on most DuMont affiliates until July 1953, when it moved to Tuesdays at 9:30 pm. Originally titled Girl Alone, the program featured performer Dotty Mack lip synching and dancing to popular 1950s songs. The name of the program was changed to The Dotty Mack Show in the summer of 1953 when she was joined by male performers Colin Male and Bob Braun.[2] The last DuMont show was on August 25, 1953.[1] The series then moved to ABC, first on Saturdays at 8 pm, replacing a program of dance band remote broadcasts from Chicago and New York.[3] It ran opposite The Mickey Rooney Show: Hey, Mulligan on NBC and The Jackie Gleason Show on CBS, and then Mondays at 9 pm on ABC, where it remained until being canceled in September 1956.[4] See also
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