For the mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts, see Timothy W. Good.
Timothy Good (born 28 July 1942)[1] is a British author on UFOs.[2][3][4][5] His books include Above Top Secret: The Worldwide U.F.O. Cover-up (1987),[6]Alien Liaison (1991) and Beyond Top Secret (1996), all published by Sidgwick & Jackson. Good has made many television and documentary appearances. Critics challenged the reliability of his writings. Good was born in London.[7] He has also had a career as a violinist.[8]
Good is a British author about UFOs.[9][10][11] In 1987 it was reported in The Observer that he was "Britain's leading UFO researcher".[12]
In his 1987 book Above Top Secret: The Worldwide U.F.O. Cover-up, he was involved in the initial publication of the purported Majestic 12 documents; later, according to skeptic Phil Klass, Good questioned the authenticity of at least some of the documents.[13][14] In 2007, the CIA cited Above Top Secret as one of the sources contributing to "the idea that CIA has secretly concealed its research into UFOs".[15]
Martin Bridgstock, in a review of Above Top Secret: The Worldwide U.F.O. Cover-up for The Skeptic in 1989, identified two of the book's central ideas: that "Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) do exist, and are spacecraft from other worlds" and "there is a worldwide cover-up about UFOs, with security agencies seeking to suppress the evidence". Bridgstock concluded that the book:[19]
is not a clear, rigorous survey of the evidence for UFOs. It is a polemical volume, which seems to be devoted to making the case for UFOs, and a cover-up, seems as convincing as possible. However, inspection of the theses put forward in the book, and checking of a few cases with other sources, seem to show that the book is not reliable and its conclusion cannot be trusted.