While she was contemplating committing suicide by drowning, a young woman is stopped by a doctor whose job, all night long, is to save people who try to commit suicide. Insistently, the doctor convinces the girl to follow him around her.
Once they arrive at the hospital, the two listen to the story of a girl who, left alone, had been exploited by a man who initially showed himself good but who later turned out to be unscrupulous. The girl had tried to kill herself but was saved while her exploiter was arrested; repentant of her previous gesture, the girl repeats «I want to live, I want to live».
Another girl tells her story at home: after becoming pregnant with a young man who did not love her, she refused the abortion and decided to raise the child alone but her mother, fearing a scandal, had stolen the newborn. The young woman then took some pills, but when she woke up she found her son next to her.
After hearing other stories as well, the young woman she wanted to drown herself realizes that she has to live her life to the fullest. The title derives in fact from the popular expression, which indicates that tomorrow always holds a new dawn.