American drama television series
Total Security is an American drama television series created by Steven Bochco, David Milch, Charles H. Eglee and Theresa Rebeck. The series stars James Remar, Jim Belushi, Debrah Farentino, Tracey Needham, Bill Brochtrup, Flex Alexander, Tony Plana and Kristin Bauer. The series aired on ABC from September 27 to November 8, 1997.[1][2]
In February 1997, it was announced ABC had ordered a pilot from Steven Bochco called Total Security which would follow a team of private security specialists.[3] The following month, it was announced Jim Belushi and James Remar would be starring as the leads for the series.[4] Belushi opted for Private Security after his dissatisfaction with the creative direction of a sitcom project for ABC from Chuck Lorre titled It's Good To Be King, that would've featured him as a Chicago bar owner.[4]
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