In this Vietnamese name, the surname is Trịnh, but is often simplified to Trinh in English-language text. In accordance with Vietnamese custom, this person should be referred to by the given name, Xuân Thuận.
1992. Le destin de l'univers : Le big bang, et après, collection « Découvertes Gallimard » (nº 151), série Sciences et techniques. Paris: Éditions Gallimard.
1993. UK edition – The Changing Universe: Big Bang and After, 'New Horizons' series. London: Thames & Hudson.
1993. US edition – The Birth of the Universe: The Big Bang and After, "Abrams Discoveries" series. New York: Harry N. Abrams.
Trinh Xuan Thuan and Axel Reisinger, (2000). Chaos and Harmony: Perspectives on Scientific Revolutions of the 20th Century, Oxford University Press. ISBN0-19-512917-2