Trip Hazard: My Great British Adventure is a travel documentary hosted by comedian Rosie Jones for Channel 4 in 2021. The concept of the show is that Jones travels to various locations in the UK alongside a guest star, and the first series of four episodes aired on 9 March 2021.
The show is narrated by Olivia Colman.[18][19] Jones described the concept of the show as travelling to places that "aren’t necessarily holiday locations [...] and [yet] finding the best out of that place. It’s full of adventure and positivity, and it’s making the most of this amazing, beautiful country [United Kingdom] we live in."[20]
In March 2022, Trip Hazard was renewed for a second series by Channel 4 and premiered on 23 August 2022.[21][22]
Rosie Jones said of the decision to have Olivia Colman narrate the show:
The producer said ‘Right, imagine no one’s off limits, who do you want?’ And I said Olivia. He said ‘We’re not going to get her.’ She’s just a hero and I love her energy and her humour so much, so I just said, ‘Ask her, even if it’s a no email, I will literally frame that no email!’ But she came back and she said ‘I love Rosie, I’m a big fan, I’ll do it.’ Honestly, I’ve just taken a permanent residency on cloud nine because of that. And when you watch it, hearing her funny, beautiful and slightly judging voice of me, is just brilliant. For her to be a massive part of the show is just mind-blowing.