As of 2011 Census, Vayathur village had population of 22,743 which comprises 11,207 males and 11,536 females. Vayathur village spreads over an area of 43.4 km2 (16.8 sq mi) with 5,395 families residing in it. The sex ratio of Vayathur was 1,029 lower than state average of 1,084. Population of children in the age group 0-6 was 2,326 (10.2%) where 1,227 are males and 1,099 are females. Vayathur had an overall literacy of 95.1% higher than state average of 94%. The male literacy stands at 96.6% and female literacy was 93.7%.[2]
^Kerala, Directorate of Census Operations. District Census Handbook, Kannur(PDF). Thiruvananthapuram: Directorate of Census Operations, Kerala. p. 154,155. Retrieved 14 July 2020.