B. New, M. Brysbaert, J. Veronis et C. Pallier, The use of film subtitles to estimate word frequencies, vol. 28, , 661 p. (lire en ligne)
B. New, M. Brysbaert, J. Veronis et C. Pallier, (SUBTLEX-FR:) The use of film subtitles to estimate word frequencies, vol. 28, , 661 p. (lire en ligne)
Marc Brysbaert et Boris New, Moving beyond Kucera and Francis: a critical evaluation of current word frequency norms and the introduction of a new and improved word frequency measure for American English, vol. 41, , 977–990 p. (lire en ligne)
E, M, B. Keuleers et B. New, SUBTLEX--NL: A new measure for Dutch word frequency based on film subtitles, vol. 42, , 643–650 p. (lire en ligne)
Q. Cai et M. Brysbaert, SUBTLEX-CH: Chinese Word and Character Frequencies Based on Film subtitles, vol. 5, , 8 p. (lire en ligne)
F. Cuetos, Glez-nosti, Analía Barbón et Marc Brysbaert, SUBTLEX-ESP : Spanish word frequencies based on film subtitles, vol. 32, , 133–143 p. (lire en ligne)
M. Dimitropoulou, Jon Andoni Duñabeitia, Alberto Avilés, José Corral et Manuel Carreiras, SUBTLEX-GR: subtitle-Based Word Frequencies as the Best Estimate of Reading Behavior: The Case of Greek, vol. 1, , 12 p.
H. Pham, P. Bolger et R.H. Baayen, SUBTLEX-VIE : A Measure for Vietnamese Word and Character Frequencies on Film subtitles,
M. Brysbaert, Boris New et E. Keuleers, SUBTLEX-US : Adding Part of Speech Information to the SUBTLEXus Word Frequencies, , 1–22 p. (lire en ligne) (databases)
SUBTLEX-DE: [Not yet puclished: Buchmeier 2012:] Brysbaert M, Buchmeier M, Conrad M, Jacobs AM, Bölte J et Böhl A., The word frequency effect: A review of recent developments and implications for the choice of frequency estimates in German, (lire en ligne)database