^“How to get a Knighthood or Damehood” (English). Awards Intelligence (2016年). 25 October 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。25 October 2018閲覧。 “A knighthood, and the female equivalent, a damehood, is an award given by The Queen to an individual for a major, long-term, contribution in any activity, usually at a national or international level.”
^Karmon, Yehuda (1987) (English). Die Johanniter und Malteser: Ritter und Samariter : die Wandlungen des Ordens vom Heiligen Johannes. Callwey. p. 193. ISBN9783766708625
^Napier, Gordon (24 October 2011) (English). A to Z of the Knights Templar: A Guide to Their History and Legacy. History Press. p. 193. ISBN9780752473628
^“Dame”. Debretts (n.d.). 10 February 2015時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。16 January 2015閲覧。