教授就任後、米国補綴学会ACPより、歯科医療・健康科学の発展への貢献を讃えられ、日本人初の最優秀学術賞(Researcher/Clinician Award)の栄誉を得る。さらに、2012年、インプラント分野の学術賞の一つ William R. Laney 最高科学論文賞受賞を米国・国際インプラント学会Academy of Osseointegrationより日本人初で受賞。インプラント、再生医療、生体材料、歯科補綴学、口腔機能学の分野で、原著論文130本以上を含む総出版数は400以上。獲得インパクトファクターの総計約400。インプラント技術や生体材料に関する特許を多数取得。小川の研究チームで研鑽を積んだ研究者や学生はこれまで、国内外の権威ある学会から40以上の学術科学賞を受賞している。
「インプラントの光機能化」とは、小川隆広とUCLA歯学部 骨・インプラントサイエンスチーム(Laboratory for Bone and Implant Sciences (LBIS))が推進するインプラント治療における最先端技術。インプラントに光をあてることによって、その表面を活性化させる技術。インプラントが骨と接着する性能を高めることが実証されている。(詳細は「インプラントの光機能化」を参照)
Aita H, Hori N, Takeuchi M, Suzuki T, Yamada M, M, Anpo, Ogawa T. The effect of ultraviolet functionalization of titanium on integration with bone. Biomaterials, 30:1015-1025, 2009
Att W, Takeuchi M, Suzuki T, Kubo K, Anpo M, Ogawa T. Enhanced osteoblast function on ultraviolet light-treated zirconia. Biomaterials, 30: 1273?1280, 2009
Att W, Hori N, Takeuchi M, Ouyang J, Yang Y, Anpo M, Ogawa T. Time-dependent degradation of titanium osteoconductivity: An implication of biological aging of implant materials. Biomaterials. 30: 5352?5363, 2009.
Suzuki T, Hori N, Att W, Iwasa F, Ueno T, Kubo K, Maeda H. Ogawa T. UV Treatment overcomes Time-Related Degrading Bioactivity of Titanium. Tissue Engineering Part A, 15: 3679-88, 2009.
Kubo K, Tsukimura N, Iwasa F, Ueno T, Saruwatari L, Aita H, Chiou WA, Ogawa T. Cellular behavior on TiO2 nanonodular structures in a micro-to-nanoscale hierarchy model. Biomaterials, 30: 5319?5329, 2009.
Tsukimura N, Yamada M, Aita H, Hori N, Yoshino F, Lee MC, Kimoto K, Jewett A, Ogawa T. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)-mediated detoxification and functionalization of poly(methyl methacrylate) bone cement. Biomaterials 30: 3378-3389, 2009.
Saruwatari L, Aita H, Butz F, Nakamura H, Ouyang, Yang Y, Chiou W-A, Ogawa T. Osteoblasts generate harder, stiffer and more delamination-resistant mineralized tissue on titanium than on polystyrene, associated with distinct tissue micro- and ultra-structure. J Bone Miner Res 20:2002-2016, 2005.
Ogawa T. UV-photofunctionalization of titanium implants. J Craniofac Tissue Eng, 2012; 2:151-158
Att W, Ogawa T. Biological aging of implant surfaces and its restoration using UV light treatment: A novel and breakthrough understanding of osseointegration. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2012;27:753?761
Ogawa T. Photofunctionalization of TiO2 for optimal integration of titanium with bone. In Benign Photocatalysts --Applications of titanium oxide-based materials. Eds. Prashant Kamat and Masakazu Anpo. Springer US. Chapter 29 (699-713), 2010
Melo MD, Shafie H, Obeid G. Implant survival rates for oral and maxillofacial surgery residents: a retrospective clinical review with analysis of resident level of training on implant survival. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 2006;64(8):1185-9.
Bryant SR, MacDonald-Jankowski D, Kim K. Does the type of implant prosthesis affect outcomes for the completely edentulous arch? The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants 2007;22 Suppl:117-39.
Klokkevold PR, Han TJ. How do smoking, diabetes, and periodontitis affect outcomes of implant treatment? Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2007;22 Suppl:173-202.
Aghaloo TL, Moy PK. Which hard tissue augmentation techniques are the most successful in furnishing bony support for implant placement? The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants 2007;22 Suppl:49-70.
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Ravikumar KJ, Marsh G. Internal fixation versus hemiarthroplasty versus total hip arthroplasty for displaced subcapital fractures of femur--13 year results of a prospective randomised study. Injury 2000;31(10):793-7.
Chana R, Mansouri R, Jack C, Edwards MR, Singh R, Keller C, Khan F. The suitability of an uncemented hydroxyapatite coated (HAC) hip hemiarthroplasty stem for intra-capsular femoral neck fractures in osteoporotic elderly patients: the Metaphyseal-Diaphyseal Index, a solution to preventing intra-operative periprosthetic fracture. Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research 2011;6:59.