Обоснование награды
Али Джаван
«For the invention of the helium-neon laser.»
[ 1]
Ольга Анатольевна Кочаровская Paul Mandel [нем.]
«For contributions to the study of atomic coherence effects in masers and lasers.»
Melvin Lax [англ.]
«For his fundamental work on the quantum theory of the laser.»
[ 2]
Lorenzo Narducci [нем.]
«For his contributions to the field of quantum fluctuations and quantum noise, particularly the quantum regression theorem applied to problems in modern quantum optics.»
Herbert Walther [англ.]
«For his work on single-atom masers.»
Федерико Капассо Альфред Чо
«For their pioneering contributions to the quantum electronics of quantum well structures and the invention of the quantum cascade laser.»
[ 3]
James P. Gordon [англ.] Hermann A. Haus [англ.]
«For pioneering contributions to quantum electronics and especially the propagation of solitons in fibers and the Gordon-Haus effect.»
[ 4]
Джонатан Даулинг Luigi Lugiato [англ.] Yanhua Shih
«For pioneering contributions to quantum electronics and especially the study of spatial coherence effects of multiphoton entangled states.»
[ 5]
Leon Cohen
«For pioneering work on quantum quasi-probability distributions and the closely related applied field of time-frequency analysis.»
[ 6]
Michael Stephen Feld [англ.]
«For the first experimental demonstrations of superradiance and the microlaser and for pioneering applications of optics to biological physics.»
Herschel Rabitz
«For inventing the learning algorithm approach to the coherent control of quantum phenomena with important and wide-ranging applications.»
Карл-Людвиг Компа [нем.]
«For pioneering contributions to laser chemistry and chemical lasers, especially the development of the oxygen-iodine laser.»
[ 7]
Stuart A. Rice [англ.]
«For pioneering contributions to quantum statistical dynamics, especially the laser control of chemical reactions.»
Lu Jeu Sham [англ.]
«For pioneering contributions to the quantum theory of molecules and solids, especially the Kohn-Sham density functional theory.»
Жерар Муру
«For outstanding contributions to laser science, especially the development of short-pulse high-power lasers.»
[ 8]
Szymon Suckewer [нем.]
«For outstanding contributions to laser science especially the development of the X-ray laser.»
Sune Svanberg [нем.]
«For outstanding contributions to medical physics, especially laser medical diagnostics and treatment.»
Raymond Chiao [англ.]
«For contributions to our understanding of time in quantum mechanics in connection with the quantum eraser and ultra-fast light.»
[ 9]
Рой Глаубер
«For contributions to our understanding of the foundations of quantum coherence theory.»
Manfred Kleber [нем.]
«For contributions to our understanding of tunneling time and quantum interference in the presence of external fields.»
Hans Frauenfelder [англ.]
«For pioneering contributions to radiation biophysics.»
[ 10]
Moshe Shapiro [англ.]
«For pioneering contributions to quantum control and laser chemistry.»
Се Сяолян
«For pioneering contributions to CARS microscopy.»
Gershon Kurizki
«For his contributions to the theory of short-time quantum decay and decoherence and their dynamical control.»
[ 11]
Mark G. Raizen [англ.]
«For his experimental observation of dynamical localization, non-exponential decay and Zeno and Anti-Zeno effects.»
Wolfgang P. Schleich [англ.]
«For his work on interference in phase space, quantum state engineering and dynamical localization.»
Robert W. Boyd [англ.]
«For pioneering work in the nonlinear interaction of laser light with matter, quantum imaging, and slow light.»
[ 12]
Robert L. Byer [англ.]
«For pioneering studies of nonlinear optical effects including parametric amplification.»
Norbert Kroó [венг.]
«For pioneering studies of surface plasmons and other elementary excitations.»
Джон Пендри
«For pioneering studies in the field of transformation optics.»
[ 13]
Владимир Михайлович Шалаев
«For pioneering studies of optical metamaterials and plasmonic nanostructures.»
Алексей Михайлович Желтиков
«For pioneering work on ultrafast nonlinear optics in tailored photonic crystal fibers.»
Ron Folman
«For pioneering contributions to the development of the atom chip and for the application of material science to atom optics.»
[ 14]
Randall G. Hulet [нем.]
«For pioneering studies of ultra cold Bose and Fermi systems and their application to the understanding of fundamental processes.»
Mark A. Kasevich
«For pioneering contributions to the study of atom optics and interferometry, and its application to quantum metrology.»
Генри Каптейн [нем.]
«For pioneering contributions to ultrashort pulse generation with application to x-ray physics.»
[ 15]
Маргарет Марнейн
«For pioneering contributions to ultrashort pulse generation with applications to molecular physics.»
Jorge G. Rocca [нем.]
«For seminal contributions and investigations in the field of tabletop x-ray laser physics.»
Shaul Mukamel [нем.]
«For pioneering the development of novel and multidimensional molecular spectroscopies.»
[ 16]
Peter Nordlander
«For pioneering theoretical contributions in the field of plasmonics.»
Susanne Yelin
«For pioneering contributions to the theory of coherence phenomena ranging from super-radiance to ultra-cold molecules.»
Pierre Meystre [англ.]
«For pioneering work on many-body quantum optics from the free-electron laser to quantum gases.»
[ 17]
Shi-Yao Zhu
«For pioneering work ranging from lasing without inversion to quenched spontaneous emission.»
Muhammad Suhail Zubairy [англ.]
«For pioneering work ranging from noise-free amplification to super Rayleigh resolution.»
Hui Cao
«For pioneering experimental work on random lasers.»
[ 18]
Douglas Stone
«For pioneering theoretical work on random lasers.»
Владислав Викторович Яковлев
«For pioneering work on random Raman lasers.»
Robin Côté
Джон Мэйди
Антон Цайлингер
Мацей Левенштейн [англ.]
Наоми Халас
[ 19]
Михаил Дмитриевич Лукин
Райнер Вайсс
Цоллер, Петер
Jian-Wei Pan [англ.]
Ernst Rasel
Пол Коркум
Don Page [англ.]
Уильям Унру
Стивен Харрис
Кристофер Монро [англ.]
Alexei V. Sokolov