if test "$1" = hello; then
echo hello, world
case "$2" in
1) echo $# 'hey' "jude's"$3;;
2) echo `date` :$*: :"$@":;;
*) echo why not 1>&2
for i in a b c; do
echo $i
if(~ $1 hello)
echo hello, world
if not {
switch($2) {
case 1
echo $#* 'hey' 'jude''s'^$3
case 2
echo `{date} :$"*: :$*:
case *
echo why not >[1=2]
for(i in a b c)
echo $i
a |[2] b # pipe only standard error of a to b — in Bourne shell as a 3>&2 2>&1 >&3 | b
a <>b # opens b as a's standard input and standard output
a <{b} <{c} # becomes a {standard output of b} {standard output of c}