双层爱尔兰夹荷兰三明治(英語:Double Irish with Dutch sandwich)是自1980年代后期以来,大多数美国跨国公司使用的一種避稅手法[a]。該手法由苹果公司首創。截止2010年,美国跨国公司每年通過双层爱尔兰夹荷兰三明治這一手法避稅1000亿美元[b]。
- ^ The Double Irish is sometimes misunderstood as being only used for EU–sourced revenues and business. For example, in 2016, Facebook recorded global revenues of $27 billion, while Facebook in Ireland paid €30 million in Irish tax on Irish revenues of €13 billion (approximately half of all global revenues).[1] Similarly, when the EU introduced the GDPR regulations in 2018, Facebook disclosed that all of its non-U.S. accounts (circa 1.9 billion, of which 1.5 billion were non-E.U), were legally based in Dublin.[2] Similarly, Google is also believed to run most of its non–U.S. sales revenue and profits through its Dublin operation.[3][4]
- ^ Before the US 2017 TCJA repatriation tax, the Double Irish shielded all non–US profits of US multinationals from: (a) taxation in the end-consumer market, (b) from taxation in Ireland, and (c) from US taxation. The 2017 TCJA placed a 15.5% US tax on these untaxed profits, and they were deemed to be automatically repatriated (regardless of whether the US multinational wanted to repatriate the untaxed profits or not).
- ^ It is believed that Ireland's extreme economic exposure to US corporate BEPS activity, had led Ireland to expand into more traditional tax haven–type tools, such as the Qualifying investor alternative investment fund (QIAIF) (designed to compete with the Cayman Islands SPC), and the Irish Section 110 Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) (designed to compete with the Luxembourg SPV).[10]