乔尔·布林德(Joel Brind),巴鲁克学院的一名生物学教授[29],是目前堕胎-乳腺癌假说的主要支持者之一。布林德强烈反对堕胎,并于20世纪90年代初期开始游说政治家,声称堕胎会导致乳腺癌。然而,布林德发现,因为他没有在同行评审的期刊中发表他的研究,他的游说没有得到重视。于是在1996年,他与两名同样反堕胎的医生和一位统计学家在《流行病学和社区卫生杂志》(Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health)发表了一篇文章[30],结论是人工流产是乳腺癌的一个危险因素。与布林德合作的统计学家后来表示:“(对于他们的调查结果)我有一些疑问。我认为问题还没有得到解决。当我们讨论该作出怎样的结论时,他(指布林德)希望作出最强的结论。我试图减弱结论,但布林德博士对他的观点非常坚定。”
来自生殖权利中心的律师Linda Rosenthal评论此案:“法官抵制了用堕胎-乳腺癌假说作为证据的策略。这一判决会让用这一伪科学的理论骚扰堕胎诊所并吓唬妇女的不道德行为销声匿迹。”[73]然而,Kjolsrud的律师John Kindley称:“我认为,无论支持还是反对堕胎,人们都应该尊重人的自决权。人不应被隐瞒,而应该被告知可能的风险,即使这些风险还存在争议。”[74]1998年,Kindley曾在威斯康星法律评论(英语:Wisconsin Law Review)上发表文章,表示如果不向计划堕胎者提供关于堕胎-乳腺癌假说的信息,可以作为医疗事故起诉[75]。
^Russo J, Russo I. Susceptibility of the mammary gland to carcinogenesis. II. Pregnancy interruption as a risk factor in tumor incidence. Am J Pathol. 1980, 100 (2): 505–506. PMC 1903536. PMID 6773421. In contrast, abortion is associated with increased risk of carcinomas of the breast. The explanation for these epidemiologic findings is not known, but the parallelism between the DMBA-induced rat mammary carcinoma model and the human situation is striking. [...] Abortion would interrupt this process, leaving in the gland undifferentiated structures like those observed in the rat mammary gland, which could render the gland again susceptible to carcinogenesis.
^The Care of Women Requesting Induced Abortion(PDF). Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: 9. [2008-06-29]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2013-07-27). Induced abortion is not associated with an increase in breast cancer risk.
^Daling JR, Malone KE, Voigt LF, White E, Weiss NS. Risk of breast cancer among young women: relationship to induced abortion. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 1994-11-02, 86 (21): 1584–92. PMID 7932822. doi:10.1093/jnci/86.21.1584.
^Daling JR; Brinton LA; Voigt LF; et al. Risk of breast cancer among white women following induced abortion. Am. J. Epidemiol. 1996, 144 (4): 373–80. PMID 8712194.
^Melbye M, Wohlfahrt J, Olsen J, Frisch M, Westergaard T, Helweg-Larsen K, Andersen P. Induced abortion and the risk of breast cancer. N Engl J Med. 1997, 336 (2): 81–5. PMID 8988884. doi:10.1056/NEJM199701093360201.
^Michels KB, Xue F, Colditz GA, Willett WC. Induced and spontaneous abortion and incidence of breast cancer among young women: a prospective cohort study. Arch. Intern. Med. 2007, 167 (8): 814–20. PMID 17452545. doi:10.1001/archinte.167.8.814.
^Induced abortion, bias, and breast cancer: why epidemiology hasn't reached its limit. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 1996, 88 (23): 1698–700. PMID 8943995. doi:10.1093/jnci/88.23.1698.
^Differentiation of the mammary gland and susceptibility to carcinogenesis. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 1982, 2 (1): 5–73. PMID 6216933. doi:10.1007/BF01805718.
^Biological and molecular bases of mammary carcinogenesis. Lab Invest. 1987, 57 (2): 112–37. PMID 3302534.
^Frazier, A Lindsay; Ryan, Catherine Tomeo; Rockett, Helaine; Willett, Walter C; Colditz, Graham A. Adolescent diet and risk of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research. February 2003, 5 (3): R59. doi:10.1186/bcr583.
^Bernstein L, Hanisch R, Sullivan-Halley J, Ross RK. Treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin and risk of breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 1995, 4 (5): 437–40. PMID 7549796.
^Michels KB, Xue F, Colditz GA, Willett WC. Induced and spontaneous abortion and incidence of breast cancer among young women: a prospective cohort study. Arch. Intern. Med. 2007, 167 (8): 814–20. PMID 17452545. doi:10.1001/archinte.167.8.814.
^B MacMahon; P Cole; J Brown. Etiology of human breast cancer: a review. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 1973, 50 (21–42): 21–42. PMID 4571238.
^Jasen, Patricia. Breast Cancer and the Politics of Abortion in the United States. Medical History. 2005-10-01, 49 (4): 423–444. PMC 1251638. PMID 16562329. doi:10.1017/S0025727300009145. Their study supported the theory that structural changes in breast tissue are responsible for the lasting, protective effect of full-term pregnancy. They observed that abortion left the rats highly susceptible to developing cancer, but that the aborted rats “were at the same risk as virgin animals treated with the carcinogen” (italics mine). Over the next two decades, however, their findings would be cited repeatedly as evidence that pregnancy begins a process of breast change which, when stopped by abortion, put female rats (and thus humans) at greater risk of cancer than those who had never been pregnant.
^Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk. American Cancer Society. [2017-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-09). Cohort studies and studies that used records to determine the history of abortions have not found an increased risk...Researchers generally consider the conclusions from cohort studies to be stronger than those from case-control studies.
^Bartholomew, LL; Grimes, DA. The alleged association between induced abortion and risk of breast cancer: biology or bias?. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey. November 1998, 53 (11): 708–14. PMID 9812330. doi:10.1097/00006254-199811000-00024. Two recent, large cohort studies, which are less susceptible to bias, showed either protection or no effect on breast cancer risk from an induced abortion.
^Wingo, PA; Newsome, K; Marks, JS; Calle, EE; Parker, SL. The risk of breast cancer following spontaneous or induced abortion.. Cancer Causes & Control. January 1997, 8 (1): 93–108. PMID 9051328.
^Beral, V; Bull, D; Doll, R; Peto, R; Reeves, G; Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast, Cancer. Breast cancer and abortion: collaborative reanalysis of data from 53 epidemiological studies, including 83?000 women with breast cancer from 16 countries.. Lancet. 2004-03-27, 363 (9414): 1007–16. PMID 15051280. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(04)15835-2.
^Guo, J; Huang, Y; Yang, L; Xie, Z; Song, S; Yin, J; Kuang, L; Qin, W. Association between abortion and breast cancer: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis based on prospective studies.. Cancer Causes & Control : CCC. June 2015, 26 (6): 811–9. PMID 25779378. doi:10.1007/s10552-015-0536-1.
^Beral V, Bull D, Doll R, Peto R, Reeves G. Breast cancer and abortion: collaborative reanalysis of data from 53 epidemiological studies, including 83 000 women with breast cancer from 16 countries. Lancet. 2004, 363 (9414): 1007–16. PMID 15051280. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(04)15835-2.