在苏联时期,拉脱维亚军团被描述成一支于1943年被纳粹德国非法征召的部队,也没有提及关于战争罪行以及参与犹太人大屠杀的内容。[24]例如,于1960年代(冷战时期)由里加电影公司(Riga Film Studio)出品的苏联电影《I remember everything,Richard》(未剪辑版也被称作Rock and Splinters)中就充斥着大量苏联政治宣传的陈腔滥调,片中出现了对拉脱维亚军团士兵的一些基本认可,其中包括:他们是前线士兵、他们中的大部分人是在被强迫的情况下加入德军的、他们不是纳粹意识形态的支持者、他们没有参与对犹太人的大屠杀。但到了苏联解体后的俄罗斯,拉脱维亚军团的角色发生了强烈转变。当时的俄罗斯开始谴责拉脱维亚军团是党卫军战争罪犯,并利用拉脱维亚军团一事来在国际社会上对拉脱维亚施加政治与意识形态的压力。
1946年,由社会民主党领导的瑞典联合政府不顾来自瑞典社会各界的强烈抗议,将一些来自拉脱维亚军团的士兵(还有一些爱沙尼亚军团士兵和立陶宛士兵)引渡给了苏联,这一事件史称Baltutlamnungen。到了1990年代,瑞典政府承认了这起事件是一个错误。那些当年被引渡到苏联的士兵中的幸存者于1994年被邀请至瑞典,在那里受到了瑞典国王卡尔十六世·古斯塔夫与瑞典外务部长Margaretha af Ugglas的接见,还参加了纪念当年的引渡事件的一系列活动。瑞典国王和外务部长都表达了对当年瑞典政府将波罗的海军团士兵引渡给斯大林时期的苏联一事的悔过之情[25]。
^ 1.01.1Gerhard P. Bassler, Alfred Valdmanis and the politics of survival, 2000, p150 ISBN0-8020-4413-1
^Ieva Zake, American Latvians: Politics of a Refugee Community, 2010, p92
^Andrew Ezergailis, Latvian Legion: heroes, Nazis, or victims? : a collection of documents from OSS war-crimes investigation files, 1945-1950, 1997, p38
^Valdis O. Lumans, Latvia in World War II, 2006, p286
^Mirdza Kate Baltais, The Latvian Legion in documents, 1999, p14
^Page Taylor, Hugh; Bender, Roger James. Uniforms, Organization and History of the Waffen-SS 5. San Jose, CA: R. James Bender Publishing. 1982. ISBN 978-0-912138-25-1. OCLC 60070022.
^Wingfield, N., Bucur, M. Gender and war in twentieth-century Eastern Europe. Indiana University Press, 2006
^Ezergailis, A. Latvian Legion: Heroes, Nazis, or Victims?: A Collection of Documents From OSS War-Crimes Investigation Files, 1945-1950. Historical Institute of Latvia, 1997.
^Mēs sitīsim tos utainos – arvien, arvien, Pēc tam tos zili pelēkos — arvien, arvien
^Trīnīte. dziesmas.lv. [21 November 2017]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-01) (拉脱维亚语).
^Strods, Heinrihs. Zem melnbrūnā zobena. Riga, 1994. page 96, fact finding mission of July 5, 1843.
^"Dieva vārdā es svinīgi apsolos cīņā pret boļševismu vācu bruņoto spēku virspavēlniekam Ādolfam Hitleram bezierunu paklausību un kā drošsirdīgs karavīrs būšu vienmēr gatavs par šo zvērestu atdot savu dzīvību." per Bangerskis R. Mana mūža atmiņas, vol. 3., Imanta, Copenhagen. 1959. p. 107.
^, Leanid. Latvian SS-Legion: Past and Present. Some Issues Regarding the Modern Glorification of Nazism. Criminal Law Forum. 2016, 27 (3): 361–385. doi:10.1007/s10609-016-9286-3.
^Andrew Ezergailis, Latvian Legion: heroes, Nazis, or victims? : a collection of documents from OSS war-crimes investigation files, 1945-1950, 1997, p12
^Rislakki, Jukka. The Case for Latvia: Disinformation Campaigns Against a Small Nation. Rodopi (publisher)(英语:Rodopi (publisher)). 2008: 134. ISBN 978-90-420-2424-3. The fact that Germany assigned individuals and whole units from police battalions to the Legion, eventually even including some 300 Arājs Commando SD men (and Arājs himself) is, however, no reason to brand all 57 000 legionnaires war criminals. Doing so is a typical example of "guilt by association".
^Eva-Clarita Onken. The Baltic States and Moscow's 9 May Commemoration: Analysing Memory Politics in Europe. Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 59, No. 1 (Jan., 2007), pp. 23-46
^Council of Europe: European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI). ECRI Report on Latvia (fourth monitoring cycle)(PDF). February 2012: 9 [2021-09-11]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2016-03-04). All attempts to commemorate persons who fought in the Waffen SS and collaborated with the Nazis, should be condemned. Any gathering or march legitimising in any way Nazism should be banned.
^Council of Europe: European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI). ECRI Report on Latvia (fourth monitoring cycle)(PDF). February 2012: paragraph 86 [2021-09-11]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2016-03-04). Further, ECRI expresses concern as regards the authorisation of certain public events to commemorate two incidents and the authorities’ reaction in this connection. As concerns the first incident, every year, on 16 March, a gathering commemorating soldiers who fought in a Latvian unit of the Waffen SS is held in the centre of Riga. In this connection, ECRI regrets that, in spring 2010, an administrative district court overruled a decision of the Riga City Council prohibiting this march. As regards the second incident, ECRI, on the one hand, expresses its dismay at the authorisation by the competent courts of an event set to celebrate the Nazi occupation of Riga (on 1 July).
^Council of Europe: European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI). ECRI Report on Latvia (fourth monitoring cycle)(PDF). February 2012: paragraph 86 [2021-09-11]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2016-03-04). Further, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs did not condemn the march, stating, on the contrary, that there was nothing wrong with former soldiers gathering together privately to remember their fallen comrades-in-arms and that any attempt to characterise this commemoration as the glorification of Nazism is unacceptable.
^Council of Europe: European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI). ECRI Report on Latvia (fourth monitoring cycle)(PDF). February 2012: paragraph 87 [2021-09-11]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2016-03-04). ECRI recommends that the Latvian authorities condemn all attempts to commemorate persons who fought in the Waffen SS and collaborated with the Nazis. ECRI further recommends that the authorities ban any gathering or march legitimising in any way Nazism.