和平条款的来源有争议。据驻日盟军总司令道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟(在美国试图让日本重新武装的时候发表的声明中)称,这项规定是由幣原喜重郎首相提出的[7],他“希望它禁止日本的任何武装部队和军事设施”。[8]幣原的观点是,在战后时代,保留武器对日本人来说是“毫无意义的”,因为任何不合格的战后军队都不会再赢得人民的尊重,实际上会使人们陷入重新武装日本的争论。[9]幣原在1951年出版的回忆录《外交五十年》中承认自己是该观点的始作俑者,在回忆录中,他描述了在去东京的火车之行中,这个想法是如何产生的,麦克阿瑟本人曾多次指出幣原是提议者。然而,根据一些辩解,他一开始否认这样做,[10]而第9条的纳入主要是由盟军最高司令部政府部门的成员,特别是道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟最亲密的助手之一查尔斯·卡德斯(英语:Charles Louis Kades)促成的。然而,宪法学者宫泽俊義提出的另一个理论得到了其他历史学家提供的重要证据的支持,即这个想法直接来自麦克阿瑟本人,而幣原只是他计划中的一个棋子。[11]
L'Italia ripudia la guerra come strumento di offesa alla libertà degli altri popoli e come mezzo di risoluzione delle controversie internazionali; consente, in condizioni di parità con gli altri Stati, alle limitazioni di sovranità necessarie ad un ordinamento che assicuri la pace e la giustizia fra le Nazioni; promuove e favorisce le organizzazioni internazionali rivolte a tale scopo.
Se proscribe el Ejército como institución permanente. Para la vigilancia y conservación del orden público, habrá las fuerzas de policía necesarias. Sólo por convenio continental o para la defensa nacional podrán organizarse fuerzas militares; unas y otras estarán siempre subordinadas al poder civil; no podrán deliberar, ni hacer manifestaciones o declaraciones en forma individual o colectiva.
Handlungen, die geeignet sind und in der Absicht vorgenommen werden, das friedliche Zusammenleben der Völker zu stören, insbesondere die Führung eines Angriffskrieges vorzubereiten, sind verfassungswidrig. Sie sind unter Strafe zu stellen.
^Klaus Schlichtmann, Japan in the World: Shidehara Kijūrō, Pacifism and the Abolition of War, Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto etc., 2 vols., Lexington Books, 2009. See also, by the same author, "A Statesman for The Twenty-First Century? The Life and Diplomacy of Shidehara Kijūrō (1872–1951)", Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, fourth series, vol. 10 (1995), pp. 33–67
^See, e.g., Robert A. Fisher, "Note: The Erosion of Japanese Pacifism: The Constitutionality of the U.S.-Japan Defense Guidelines", Cornell International Law Journal 32 (1999), p. 397.
^宮沢俊義・芦部信喜補訂『コンメンタール全訂日本国憲法』日本評論社、1978年、167頁. See also, Ray Moore and Donald Robinson, Partners for Democracy: Crating the New Japanese State Under MacArthur (2002); and Koseki Shoichi, The Birth of Japan's Postwar Constitution (1997)
^See Moore and Robinson, Partners for Democracy, supra.
^ 18.018.1James E. Auer, "Article Nine of Japan's Constitution: From Renunciation of Armed Force 'Forever' to the Third Largest Defense Budget in the World", Law and Contemporary Problems 53 (1990).
^Craig Martin, "Binding the Dogs of War," supra at p. 342-43; see also Kenneth Pyle, Japan Rising: The Resurgence of Japanese Power and Purpose (2007) at p. 290-91, and Teshima Ryuichi, 1991 Nihon no Haiboku [Japan's Defeat in 1991] (1993).
^Chinen, Mark A. "Article Nine of Japan's Constitution: From Renunciation of Armed Forces "Forever" to the Third Largest Defense Budget in the World". Michigan Journal of International Law 27 (2005):60
^Hayes, Louis D. Japan and the Security of Asia. New York: Lexington Books, 2002:82
^Port, Kenneth L. "Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution and the Rule of Law". Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law 13 (2004):130
^Pence, Canon. "Reform in the Rising Sun: Koizumi's Bid to Revise Japan's Pacifist Constitution". North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation 32 (2006):373
^Hirata, Keiko. "Who Shapes the National Security Debate? Divergent Interpretations of Japan's Security Role". Asian Affairs (2008): 123–151
^Hajime Imai, 「憲法九条」国民投票 (Kenpō-Kyū-Jō" Kokumin-Tōhyō, "A Referendum on Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution"), 集英社新書 (Shū-Ei-Sha-Shin-Sho), October 10, 2003, pp. 31–38. 「憲法九条」国民投票 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
^Hikaru Ōta and Shin-Ichi Nakazawa, 憲法九条を世界遺産に (Kenpō-Kyū-Jō wo Sekai-Isan ni, "Let's Register Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution as a World Heritage Site"), 集英社新書 (Shū-Ei-Sha-Shin-Sho), August 17, 2006, 憲法九条を世界遺産に (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
^Hajime Imai 「憲法九条」国民投票 (Kenpō-Kyū-Jō Kokumin-Tōhyō, "A Referendum on Article 9") 集英社新書 (Shū-Ei-Sha-Shin-Sho), October 10, 2003, pp. 11–38.
^憲法9条と自衛隊の現実Archive.is的存檔,存档日期2012-06-30 (Kenpō-Kyū-Jō to Jiei-Tai no Genjitsu, "Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution and the actual conditions of the Japan Self-Defense Forces")
^Pence, Canon. "Reform in the Rising Sun: Koizumi's Bid to Revise Japan's Pacifist Constitution". North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation 32 (2006): 335–389