2021年9月10日,沈拜奧因呼吸系統衰竭於里斯本聖十字架醫院(Hospital de Santa Cruz)逝世[3],時任澳門行政長官賀一誠發出唁函[4],並委派澳門駐里斯本經濟貿易辦事處主任譚俊榮代表特區政府出席9月12日的國葬儀式[5];中华人民共和国国家主席习近平9月12日致唁电,稱桑帕约為葡萄牙杰出的政治家和领导人,在国际社会享有很高声誉[6]。
桑帕约生于里斯本。桑帕约一家在美国和英国生活了几年,这是由于他的父亲Arnaldo de Sampaio(1908-1984)的职业活动,他父亲是一名医生。他的母亲是Fernanda Bensaude Branco(1908 - 2000年2月15日)。他的外祖母Sara Bensliman Bensaude于1976年去世,是来自摩洛哥的葡萄牙血统的西班牙系犹太人,外祖父Fernando Branco(1880-1940)是葡萄牙海军军官,后来担任葡萄牙外交部长;桑帕约自己是不可知论者,并不认为自己是犹太人。[7]
Jerusalem Post: I understand that you have Jewish ancestry in your family. What is your personal connection to the Jewish people? Do you consider yourself to be a Jew?.
Jorge Sampaio: My grandmother belonged to a Jewish family that came from Morocco in the beginning of the 19th century. She married a non-Jewish naval officer who later was Foreign Affairs minister. I am naturally very proud of this ancestry and of all those that I call my "favorite Jewish cousins," one of whom is the president of the Lisbon Jewish Community, as I am proud of the ancestry on my non-Jewish father's side. Personally, I am agnostic, and I do not consider myself a Jew; but I am proud, as I said, of my ancestors.