游蛇科 (學名 :Colubridae),又稱黄颔蛇科 ,是爬蟲綱 有鱗目 蛇亞目 下的一個蛇科,是眾多蛇科中擁有最多物種的一個科,數量幾乎佔據世上過半的總蛇種。游蛇科下的蛇類特性較為普通,亦較為常見。
大部分游蛇科下的蛇種都是無毒的(又或者含有輕量而且對人體不構成傷害的毒素),因此對人類的威脅普遍不大。不過游蛇科當中仍然有一些蛇種帶有強烈毒素(如非洲樹蛇 等),可是牠們用以注射毒素的毒牙位處於口腔的較後位置。
其實生物分類學 上所謂的「游蛇科」並不是一個自然的分類,比起同科下的其它蛇種,有些蛇反而跟其它蛇科下的蛇(如眼鏡蛇)更為親近。之所以會設立「游蛇科」,最主要是要將一些未能立即作出仔細分類的蛇種集中收容,再留待詳細的生物觀察及DNA 測試研究為這個科下的蛇找出一個更實際的科屬。
游蛇科下原分为8个亚科 :
2019年的研究将铁线蛇亚科 (Calamariinae)提升为两头蛇科 (Calamariidae)、食蜗蛇亚科 (Dipsadinae)提升为食螺蛇科 (Dipsadidae)、游蛇亚科 (Natricinae)提升为水游蛇科 (Natricidae)、斜鳞蛇亚科 (Pseudoxenodontinae)提升为斜鳞蛇科 (Pseudoxenodontidae)、剑蛇亚科 (Sibynophiinae)提升为剑蛇科 (Sibynophiidae)[ 1] 。
Abastor Gray, 1849
Ablabes Duméril, 1853
Ablabophis Boulenger, 1893
Achalinopsis Steindachner, 1913
Acontiophis Günther, 1875
Adelophis Cope, 1879
Adelophis Dugès, 1879
Adelphicos Jan, 1862
Adiastema Werner, 1925
Aeluroglena Boulenger, 1898
Aepidea Hallowell, 1860
Afronatrix Rossman & Eberle, 1977
Agrophis Müller, 1895
瘦蛇屬 Ahaetulla Link, 1807
Alleidophis Prado, 1939
Allophis Peters, 1872
Alopecion Duméril, 1853
Alopecophis Gray, 1849
Alsophis Fitzinger, 1843
Amastridium Cope, 1861
Amblymetopon Günther, 1858
Ameiseophis Holman, 1977
Amnesteophis Myers, 2011
腹鏈蛇屬 Amphiesma Duméril & Bibron, 1854
Amphiesmoides Malnate, 1961
Amphiophis Barboza de Bocage, 1872
Ancistrodon Wagler, 1830
Anholodon Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854
Anisodon Rosen, 1905
Anisodontes Rosen, 1905
Anoplodipsas Peters, 1869
Anoplohydrus Werner, 1909
Anoplophallus Cope, 1893
Aporophis Cope, 1877
Apostolepis Cope, 1862
Apostolepis adhara França, Barbo, Silva-Júnior, Silva & Zaher, 2018[ 2]
Apostolepis albicollaris De Lema, 2002
Apostolepis alphonsehogei
Apostolepis ambiniger (Peters, 1869)
Apostolepis arenaria Rodrigues, 1993
Apostolepis assimilis (Reinhardt, 1861)
Apostolepis borellii Peracca, 1904
Apostolepis breviceps Harvey, Gonzales & Scrocchi, 2001
Apostolepis cearensis Gomes, 1915
Apostolepis cerradoensis De Lema, 2003
Apostolepis christineae De Lema, 2002
Apostolepis collaris Peracca, 1897
Apostolepis dimidiata (Jan, 1862)
Apostolepis dorbignyi (Schlegel, 1837)
Apostolepis flavotorquata (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854)
Apostolepis gaboi Rodrigues, 1993
Apostolepis goiasensis Prado, 1942
Apostolepis intermedia Koslowsky, 1898
Apostolepis kikoi Santos, Entiauspe-Neto, Silva-Araújo, Souza, Lema, Strüssmann & Albuquerque, 2018
Apostolepis lineata Cope, 1887
Apostolepis longicaudata Gomes, 1921
Apostolepis mariae Borges-Nojosa, Lima, Bezerra & Harris, 2017
Apostolepis multicincta Harvey, 1999
Apostolepis nelsonjorgei De Lema & Renner, 2004
Apostolepis niceforoi Amaral, 1935
Apostolepis nigrolineata (Peters, 1869)
Apostolepis nigroterminata Boulenger, 1896
Apostolepis phillipsae Harvey, 1999
Apostolepis polylepis Amaral, 1922
Apostolepis pymi Boulenger, 1903
Apostolepis quirogai Giraudo & Scrocchi, 1998
Apostolepis sanctaeritae Werner, 1924
Apostolepis serrana De Lema & Renner, 2006
Apostolepis striata De Lema, 2004
Apostolepis tenuis Ruthven, 1927
Apostolepis thalesdelemai Borges-Nojosa, Lima, Bezerra & James, 2016
Apostolepis underwoodi Lema & Campbell, 2017
Apostolepis vittata (Cope, 1887)
Aproaspidops Annandale, 1912
Aprosdoketophis Wallach, Lanza & Nistri, 2010
Arcanumophis Smaga, Ttito & Catenazzi, 2019
Archelaphe Schulz, Böhme & Tillack, 2011
Archerpeton Carroll, 1964
Argyrogena Werner, 1924
Arizona Kennicott, 1859
Arrhyton Günther, 1858
Arrhyton ainictum Schwartz & Garrido, 1981
Arrhyton albicollum Díaz, Fong, Salas & Hedges, 2021[ 3]
Arrhyton dolichura Werner, 1909
Arrhyton procerum Hedges & Garrido, 1992
Arrhyton redimitum (Cope, 1862)
Arrhyton supernum Hedges & Garrido, 1992
Arrhyton taeniatum Günther, 1858
Arrhyton tanyplectum Schwartz & Garrido, 1981
Arrhyton vittatum (Gundlach, 1861)
盾尾蛇属 Aspidura Wagler, 1830
Asthenophis Boulenger, 1896
Atomarchus Cope, 1883
Atomophis Cope, 1887
箭蛇属 Atractus Wagler, 1828
滇西蛇屬 Atretium Cope, 1861
Balanophis H.M.Smith, 1938
Baliodryas Zaher & Prudente, 2019
Bamanophis Schätti & Trape, 2008
Barbourina Amaral, 1924
Bascanion Baird & Girard, 1853
Bascanium Baird & Girard, 1853
Bergenia Steindachner, 1867
Bibilava Glaw, Nagy, Franzen & Vences, 2007
珠光蛇属 Blythia Theobold, 1868
Bogertophis Dowling & Price, 1988
林蛇屬 Boiga Fitzinger, 1826
Boiruna Zaher, 1996
Borikenophis Hedges & Vidal, 2009
Brachyrruton Duméril, 1853
Brachyura Kuhl & Hasselt, 1822
Brachyura Latreille, 1802
Brachyura Linnaeus, 1758
Bucephalus Smith, 1829
Caaeteboia Zaher, Grazziotin, Cadle, Murphy, Moura-Leite & Bonatto, 2009
鐵線蛇屬 Calamaria H.Boie, 1827
Calamodon do Amaral, 1937
Calamodontophis Amaral, 1963
Calamohydrus Boulenger, 1888
Calamorhabdium Boettger, 1898
Callirhinus Girard, 1857
Callopeltis Bonaparte, 1841
Callopisma Duméril, 1853
Calopeltis Fitzinger, 1843
Campylodon Duméril, 1853
Cantonophis Werner, 1909
Caraiba Zaher, Grazziotin, Cadle, Murphy, Moura-Leite & Bonatto, 2009
Carphophiops Gervais, 1840
Carphophis Gervais, 1843
Celuta Baird & Girard, 1853
Cemophora Cope, 1860
Cenaspis aenigma Campbell, Smith & Hall, 2018[ 4]
Cercaspis Wagler, 1830
Cercophis Fitzinger, 1843
Chamaetortus Günther, 1864
Changulia Gray, 1832-35
Chapinophis Campbell & E.N.Smith, 1998
Chatachlein Jan, 1862
奔蛇属 Chersodromus Reinhardt, 1860
Chilomeniscus Cope, 1860
Chilopoma Cope, 1875
Chionactis Cope, 1860
蚩蛇属 Chironius Fitzinger, 1826
Chlorophis Hallowell, 1857
Chlorophis Theobald, 1868
Chlorosoma Wagler, 1830
Chorisodon Duméril, 1853
Chotaophis Head, 2005
金花蛇屬 Chrysopelea H.Boie, 1826
Clelia Fitzinger, 1826
Clonophis Cope, 1889
Cochliophagus Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854
Coelognathus Fitzinger, 1843
Coelopeltis Wagler, 1830
Collorhabdium Smedley, 1932
Colobognathus Peters, 1859
Colophrys Cope, 1868
Colorhogia Cope, 1862
Coluber Linnaeus, 1758
Colubroelaps Orlov, Kharin, Ananjeva, T.T.Nguyen & T.Q.Nguyen, 2009
Comastes Jan, 1863
Coniophanes Cope, 1860
Coniophanes Hallowell, 1860
Conocephalus Duméril & Bibron, 1854
Conophis Peters, 1860
Conopsis Günther, 1858
Contia Baird & Girard, 1853
Coronelaps de Lema & Hofstadler-Delques, 2010
Coronella Laurenti, 1768
Coryphodon Duméril & Bibron, 1854
Crisantophis Villa, 1971
Crotaphopeltis Fitzinger, 1843
Cryophis Bogert & Duellman, 1963
Cryptodacus Gundlach, 1862
Cryptolycus Broadley, 1968
Cryptophidion Wallach & Jones, 1992
Cubophis Hedges & Vidal, 2009
Cyclophiops Boulenger, 1888
Cyclophis Günther, 1858
Cynophis Gray, 1849
Dakaria Werner, 1925
Dakotaophis Holman, 1976
食卵蛇屬 Dasypeltis Wagler, 1830
過樹蛇屬 Dendrelaphis Boulenger, 1890
Dendrophidion Fitzinger, 1843
Diadophis Baird & Girard, 1853
Diaphorolepis Jan, 1863
Dicraulax Cope, 1893
Dimades Gray, 1842
Dinodon Duméril, 1853
Dipeltophis Cope, 1887
Diplotropis Günther, 1872
Dipsadoboa Günther, 1858
Dipsadoides Annandale, 1905
Dipsadomorphus Fitzinger, 1843
Dipsadomorus Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854
Dipsadophidium Lindholm, 1905
Dipsas Laurenti, 1768
Dirosema Boulenger, 1894
Dirrhox Cope, 1887
Dispholidus Duvernoy, 1832
Ditaxodon Hoge, 1958
Dolichophis Gistel, 1868
Dolniceophis Rage & Rocek, 1983
Drepanodon Peracca, 1896
Drepanoides Dunn, 1928
Dromicus Cocteau & Bibron, 1843
Dromophis Peters, 1869
Dryinoides Auffenberg, 1958
Drymarchon Fitzinger, 1843
Drymobius Fitzinger, 1843
Drymoluber Amaral, 1930
Dryocalamus Günther, 1858
Dryophiops Boulenger, 1896
Dryophis Fitzinger, 1826
Dryophylax Wagler, 1830
Echinanthera Cope, 1894
Eirenis Jan, 1863
Elachistodon Reinhardt, 1863
Elaphe Fitzinger, 1833
Elaphe Wagler, 1833
Elaphis Bonaparte, 1831
Elapochrus Peters, 1860
Elapodis Boie, 1826
Elapoidis H.Boie, 1827
Elapomojus Jan, 1862
Elapomorphus Fitzinger, 1843
Elapomorphus Wiegmann, 1843
Eminophis Werner, 1924
Emmochliophis Fritts & H.M.Smith, 1969
Enhydrus Rafinesque, 1815
Enicognathus Duméril & Bibron, 1854
Entechinus Cope, 1895
Enuliophis McCranie & Villa, 1993
Enulius Cope, 1871
Eremiophis Fitzinger, 1843
Eremophis Gistl, 1848
Erpetodryas H.Boie, 1826
Erythrolamprus Boie, 1826
Erythrolamprus Wagler, 1830
Eteirodipsas Jan, 1863
Etheridgeum Wallach, 1988
Eudipsas Fitzinger, 1843
Eugnathus Duméril & Bibron, 1854
Eumesodon Cope, 1860
Euprepiophis Fitzinger, 1843
Eurostus Duméril, 1853
Eurypholis Hallowell, 1860
Eutaenia Baird & Girard, 1853
Eutaenia Cope, 1866
Eutainia Baird & Girard, 1853
Eutrachelophis Myers & McDowell, 2014
Exelencophis Smith, 1942
Falconeria Theobald, 1868
Farancia Gray, 1842
Feranioides Carlleyle, 1869
Ficimia Gray, 1849
Fleischmannia Böttger, 1898
Floridaophis Holman, 1999
Fowlea Theobald, 1868
Galedon Jan, 1863
Galeophis Berthold, 1859
Gansophis Head, 2005
Gastropyxis Cope, 1861
Geagras Cope, 1876
Geatractus Dugès, 1898
Geodipsas Boulenger, 1896
Geophidium Peters, 1862
Geophis Wagler, 1830
Geoptyas Steindachner, 1867
Georgia Baird & Girard, 1853
Gerrhosteus Cope, 1874
Glaphyrophis Jan, 1862
Glypholycus Günther, 1894
Gomesophis Hoge & Mertens, 1959
Gongylosoma Fitzinger, 1843
Gonionotus Gray, 1846
Gonyosoma Wagler, 1828
Grayia Günther, 1858
Grotea Theobald, 1868
Gyalopion Cope, 1860
Haitiophis Hedges & Vidal, 2009
Haldea Baird & Girard, 1853
Haplonodon Griffin, 1910
Hapsidophrys Fischer, 1856
Hebius Thompson, 1913
Heleophis Müller, 1884
Helicops Wagler, 1828
Helicopsoides Mocquard, 1890
Helophis de Witte & Laurent, 1942
Hemerophis Schätti & Utiger, 2001
Hemiodontus Duméril, 1853
Hemorrhois F.Boie, 1826
Herbertophis Macleay, 1884
Herpetoreas Günther, 1860
Heterodon Latreille, 1801
Heterolepis Smith, 1847
Heterorhachis Amaral, 1923
Heterurus Duméril, 1853
Hierophis Bonaparte, 1834
Hierophis Fitzinger, 1843
Hispanophis Szyndlar, 1985
Holarchus Cope, 1886
Holuropholis Duméril, 1856
Homalocranion Duméril, 1853
Homalosoma Wagler, 1830
Hurria Daudin, 1803
Hydrablabes Boulenger, 1891
Hydraethiops Günther, 1872
Hydrocalamus Cope, 1885
Hydrodipsas Peters, 1859
Hydrodynastes Fitzinger, 1843
Hydromorphus Peters, 1859
Hydrophobus Günther, 1862
Hydrops Wagler, 1830
Hylophis Fitzinger, 1843
Hypsiglena Cope, 1860
Hypsirhina Wagler, 1830
Hypsirhynchus Günther, 1858
Ialtris Cope, 1862
Idiophis Mocquard, 1901
Idiopholis Mocquard, 1892
Iguanognathus Boulenger, 1898
Imantodes A.M.C.Duméril, 1853
Imantodes cenchoa (Linnaeus, 1758)
Imantodes chocoensis Torres-Carvajal, Yánez-Muñoz, Quirola, Smith & Almendáriz, 2012[ 5]
Imantodes gemmistratus (Cope, 1861)
Imantodes guane Missassi & Prudente, 2015
Imantodes inornatus (Boulenger, 1896)
Imantodes lentiferus (Cope, 1894)
Imantodes phantasma Myers, 1982
Imantodes tenuissimus (Cope, 1867)
Incaspis Donoso-Barros, 1974
Isanophis David, Pauwels, T.Q.Nguyen & Vogel, 2015
Ischnognathus Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854
Isoscelis Günther, 1858
Keiometopon Taylor, 1962
Lampropeltis Fitzinger, 1843
Langaha Bruguière, 1784
Leimadophis Fitzinger, 1843
Leioheterodon Boulenger, 1893
Leionotus Jan, 1863
Lepidocephalus Hallowell, 1860
Lepidognathus Lidth de Jeude, 1891
Leptocalamus Günther, 1872
Leptodeira Fitzinger, 1843
Leptodrymus Amaral, 1927
Leptognathus Duméril & Bibron, 1854
Leptophidium Hallowell, 1861
Leptophis Bell, 1825
Lepturophis Boulenger, 1900
Lielaphis Günther, 1863
Limnophis Günther, 1865
Liodytes Cope, 1885
Lioheterodon Boulenger, 1893
Lioheterophis Amaral, 1935
Lioninia Hallowell, 1860
Liopeltis Fitzinger, 1843
Liophis Wagler, 1830
Liparophis Peracca, 1904
Lodia Baird & Girard, 1853
Lycodon Fitzinger, 1826
Lycodon H.Boie, 1827
Lycognathophis Boulenger, 1893
Lycognathus Duméril, 1853
Lygophis Fitzinger, 1843
Lytorhynchus Peters, 1862
Macrocalamus Günther, 1864
Macrocalamus chanardi David & Pauwels, 2005[ 6]
Macrocalamus emas Quah, Anuar, Grismer, Wood & Nor, 2019
Macrocalamus gentingensis Yaakob & Lim, 2002
Macrocalamus jasoni Grandison, 1972
Macrocalamus lateralis Günther, 1864
Macrocalamus schulzi Vogel & David, 1999
Macrocalamus tweediei Lim, 1963
Macrocalamus vogeli David & Pauwels, 2005
Macrocalamus wellingtoni Hoser, 2020
Macrocalamus wellsei Hoser, 2020
Macrophis Barboza de Bocage, 1866
Macropisthodon Boulenger, 1893
Macropophis Boulenger, 1893
Macroprotodon Guichenot, 1850
Macrops Wagler, 1830
Magliophis Zaher, Grazziotin, Cadle, Murphy, Moura-Leite & Bonatto, 2009
Manolepis Cope, 1885
Masticophis Baird & Girard, 1853
Mastigodryas Amaral, 1935
Megalops Hallowell, 1860
Meizodon Fischer, 1856
Mesopeltis Cope, 1867
Mesotes Jan, 1862
Metoporhina Günther, 1858
Microdromus Günther, 1872
Micronatrix Parmley & Hunter, 2010
Microphis Hallowell, 1854
Migiurtinophis Scortecci, 1935
Mike Werner, 1924
Mimometopon Werner, 1903
Mintonius Collins & Taggart, 2008
Miocoluber Parmley, 1988
Mionatrix Sun, 1961
硅藻中新蛇 Mionatrix diatomus Sun, 1961
Mizodon Peters, 1861
Mopanveldophis Figueroa, McKelvy, Grismer, Bell & Lailvaux, 2016
Morenoa Dugés, 1906
Muhtarophis Avci, Ilgaz, Rajabizadeh, Yilmaz, Üzüm, Adriaens, Kumlutas & Olgun, 2015
Mussurana Zaher, Grazziotin, Cadle, Murphy, Moura-Leite & Bonatto, 2009
Nanus Bachmayer & Szyndlar, 1985
Natriciteres Loveridge, 1953
Natrix Laurenti, 1768
Nebraskophis Holman, 1973
Neonatrix Holman, 1973
Neopareas Günther, 1895
Neospades De Vis, 1889
Nerodia Baird & Girard, 1853
Nerophidion Werner, 1924
Neusterophis Günther, 1863
Ninia Baird & Girard, 1853
Nothopsis Cope, 1871
Nuchisulcophis Mahendra, 1984
Odontomus Duméril, 1853
Ogmius Cope, 1869
Oligodon H.Boie, 1826
Oligolepis Boulenger, 1895
Olisthenes Cope, 1859
Omoadiphas Köhler, McCranie & Wilson, 2001
Oocatochus Helfenberger, 2001
Oophilositum Parker, 1933
Opetiodon Duméril, 1853
Opheodrys Fitzinger, 1843
Opheomorphus Fitzinger, 1843
Ophibolus Baird & Girard, 1853
Ophielaps Sauvage, 1877
Ophis Wagler, 1824
Ophites Wagler, 1830
Opisthiodon Peters, 1861
Opisthotropis Günther, 1872
Oreocalamus Boulenger, 1899
Oreocryptophis Utiger, Schätti & Helfenberger, 2005
Oreophis Dugès, 1897
Orientocoluber Kharin, 2011
Orthriophis Utiger, Helfenberger, Schätti, Schmidt, Ruf & Ziswiler, 2002
Osceola Baird & Girard, 1853
Oxybelis Wagler, 1830
Oxycalamus Günther, 1864
Oxyorrhos Fischer, 1879
Oxyrhina Jan, 1862
Oxyrhopus Wagler, 1830
Pachyophis Werner, 1924
Palaeomalpolon Szyndlar, 1981
Palaeonatrix Mlynarski, Szyndlar, Estes & Sanchiz, 1982
Paleofarancia Auffenberg, 1963
Paleoheterodon Holman, 1964
Paleonatrix Szyndlar, 1982
Palusophis Montingelli, Grazziotin, Battilana, Murphy, Zhang & Zaher, 2019
Pantherophis Fitzinger, 1843
Pappophis Macleay, 1877
Paracoluber Holman, 1970
Parahelicops Bourret, 1934
Paranatrix Mahendra, 1984
Paraoxybelis Auffenberg, 1963
Paraphimophis Zaher, Grazziotin, Murphy, Scrocchi, Altamirano Benavides, Zhang & Bonatto, 2012
Paraptychophis de Lema, 1967
Pararhabdophis Bourret, 1934
Paratapinophis Angel, 1929
Paraxenophis Georgalis, Villa, Ivanov, Vasilyan & Delfino, 2019
Paroxyrhopus Schenkel, 1901
Passirita Swainson, 1839
Periergophis Georgalis, Villa, Ivanov, Vasilyan & Delfino, 2019
Periops Wagler, 1830
Persiophis Rajabizadeh, Pyron, Nazarov, Poyarkov, Adriaens & Herrel, 2020
Petalognathus Duméril & Bibron, 1854
Phalotris Cope, 1862
Philodendros Fitzinger, 1843
Philodryas Wagler, 1830
Philothamnus A.Smith, 1847
Phimophis Cope, 1860
Phragmitophis Günther, 1862
Phrydops Boulenger, 1905
Phrynonax Cope, 1862
Phyllophis Günther, 1864
Phyllorhynchus Stejneger, 1890
Phyllosira Cope, 1862
Pituophis Holbrook, 1842
Plagiopholis Boulenger, 1893
Platyceps Blyth, 1860
Platypteryx Duméril, 1853
Plesiodipsas Harvey, Rivas-Fuenmayor, Portilla & Ruede-Almonacid, 2009
Pliocercus Cope, 1860
Pogonaspis Cope, 1894
Pollackophis Holman, 1998
Polyodontophis Boulenger, 1890
Proahaetulla Mallik, 2019
Proboscidophis Fan, 1931
Procinura Cope, 1879
Procteria Werner, 1924
Proterodon Hallowell, 1860
Psammophis Fitzinger, 1826
Pseudagkistrodon Van Denburgh, 1909
Pseudalsophis Zaher, Grazziotin, Cadle, Murphy, Moura-Leite & Bonatto, 2009
Pseudelaphe Mertens & Rosenberg, 1943
Pseudoboa Schneider, 1801
Pseudocemophora Auffenberg, 1963
Pseudoclelia Rendahl & Vestergren, 1941
Pseudocyclophis Böttger, 1888
Pseudoeryx Fitzinger, 1826
Pseudoficimia Bocourt, 1883
Pseudoithycyphus Domergue, 1988
Pseudoleptodeira Taylor, 1939
Pseudopareas Boulenger, 1896
Pseudophis Fitzinger, 1843
Pseudorabdion Jan, 1862
Pseudotarbophis Domergue, 1955
Pseudotomodon Koslowsky, 1896
Pseudoxenodon Boulenger, 1890
Psomophis C.W.Myers & Cadle, 1994
Ptyas Fitzinger, 1843
Ptychophis Gomes, 1915
Rabdion A.M.C.Duméril, 1853
Rabdosoma Duméril, 1853
Rachidelus Boulenger, 1908
Rachiodon Jourdan, 1833
Regina Baird & Girard, 1853
Rhabdophis Fitzinger, 1843
Rhabdops Boulenger, 1893
Rhabdotophis Werner, 1909
Rhachidelus Boulenger, 1908
Rhadinaea Cope, 1863
Rhadinea Cope, 1863
Rhadinella H.M.Smith, 1941
Rhadinophanes Myers & Campbell, 1981
Rhadinophis Vogt, 1922
Rhamnophis Günther, 1862
Rhegnops Cope, 1866
Rhinechis Michahelles, 1832
Rhinobothryum Wagler, 1830
Rhinocheilus Baird & Girard, 1853
Rhinodryas Werner, 1903
茅鼻蛇属 Rhynchocalamus Günther, 1864
Rhynchonyx Peters, 1869
Rhynchophis Mocquard, 1897
Rodriguesophis Zaher, Grazziotin, Murphy, Scrocchi, Altamirano Benavides, Zhang & Bonatto, 2012
Salvadora Baird & Girard, 1853
Saphenophis Myers, 1972
Scaphiodontophis Taylor & H.M.Smith, 1943
Scaphiophis Peters, 1870
Schmidtophis Taylor, 1949
Schwartzophis Zaher, Grazziotin, Cadle, Murphy, de Moura-Leite & Bonatto, 2009
Scolecophis Fitzinger, 1843
Scotophis Baird & Girard, 1853
Senticolis Dowling & Fries, 1987
钝蛇属 Sibon Fitzinger, 1826
Sibynomorphus Fitzinger, 1843
劍蛇屬 Sibynophis Fitzinger, 1843
Simocephalus Günther, 1858
Simophis Peters, 1860
Sinonatrix Rossman & Eberle, 1977
Siphlophis Fitzinger, 1843
Sivaophis Head, 2005
杆蛇属 Smithophis Giri, Gower, Das, Lalremsanga, Lalronunga, Captain & Deepak, 2019
Sonora Baird & Girard, 1853
Sordellina Proctor, 1923
Spalerosophis Jan, 1865
Spaniopholis Mocquard, 1897
Sphalerosophis Kramer & Schurrenberger, 1963
Sphecodes Duméril, 1853
Sphenocalamus Fischer, 1883
Spilotes Wagler, 1830
铅灰蛇属 Stegonotus A.M.C.Duméril, Bibron & A.H.A.Duméril, 1854
纤蛇属 Stenophis Boulenger, 1896
Stenorhabdium Werner, 1909
Stenorrhina A.M.C.Duméril, 1853
Stichophanes Wang, Messenger, Zhao & Zhu, 2014
Stoliczkaia Jerdon, 1870
Storeria Baird & Girard, 1853
Stremmatognathus Duméril & Bibron, 1854
Streptophorus Duméril & Bibron, 1854
Stylophis Berg, 1901
Styporhynchus Peters, 1863
Sympeltophis Werner, 1925
Symphimus Cope, 1870
Sympholis Cope, 1862
Synchalinus Cope
Synophis Peracca, 1896
Synophis bicolor Peracca, 1896
Synophis bogerti Torres-Carvajal, Echevarría, Venegas, Chávez & Camper, 2015
Synophis calamitus Hillis, 1990
Synophis insulomontanus Torres-Carvajal, Echevarría, Venegas, Chávez & Camper, 2015
Synophis lasallei (Nicéforo-Maria, 1950)
Synophis niceforomariae Pyron, Arteaga, Echevarría & Torres-Carvajal, 2016[ 7]
Synophis plectovertebralis Sheil & Grant, 2001
Synophis zaheri Pyron, Guayasamin, Peñafiel, Bustamante & Arteaga, 2015
Synophis zamora Torres-Carvajal, Echevarría, Venegas, Chávez & Camper, 2015
Tachymenis Wiegmann, 1835
Tachynectes Fitzinger, 1843
Tachyplotus Reinhardt, 1866
Taeniophallus Cope, 1895
Taeniophis Girard, 1854
Tantalophis Duellman, 1958
Tantilla Baird & Girard, 1853
Tantillita H.M.Smith, 1941
Taphrometopon Brandt, 1838
Tapinophis Boulenger, 1899
Tarbophis Fleischmann, 1831
Tauntonophis Parmley & Walker, 2003
Teleolepis Cope, 1869
Telescopus Wagler, 1830
Tetragonosoma Günther, 1858
Tetralepis Boettger, 1892
Texasophis Holman, 1977
Thamnodynastes Wagler, 1830
束带蛇属 Thamnophis Fitzinger, 1843
非洲藤蛇属 Thelotornis A.Smith, 1849
Thermophis Malnate, 1953
Thrasops Hallowell, 1857
銳齒蛇屬 Tomodon Duméril, 1853
毒树蛇属 Toxicodryas Hallowell, 1857
坭蛇屬 Trachischium Günther, 1853
Trachyophis Werner, 1925
Tragops Wagler, 1830
Tretanorhinus A.M.C.Duméril, Bibron & A.H.A.Duméril, 1854
Triglyphodon Duméril, 1853
Trigonocephalus Oppel, 1811
Trigonurus Duméril, 1853
环游蛇属 Trimerodytes Cope, 1895
Trimerorhinus Smith, 1847
Trimetopon Cope, 1885
琴蛇屬 Trimorphodon Cope, 1861
Trirhinopholis Boulenger, 1893
线蛇属 Tropidoclonion Cope, 1860
龙谒蛇属 Tropidodipsas Günther, 1858
Tropidodryas Fitzinger, 1843
Tropidonophis Jan, 1863
Tropidonotus Kuhl, 1826
Typhlocalamus Günther, 1872
Typhlogeophis Günther, 1879
Tyria Fitzinger, 1826
Ulupe Blanford, 1878
Uromacer A.M.C.Duméril, Bibron & A.H.A.Duméril, 1854
Uromacerina Amaral, 1929
Uromacerina Hedges & Vidal
Urotheca Bibron, 1843
Virginia Baird & Girard, 1853
Wallaceophis Mirza, Vyas, Patel, Maheta & Sanap, 2016
Wallophis Werner, 1929
'Wallophis brachyura (Günther, 1866)[ 8]
Wernerodakaria Strand, 1928
Xenelaphis Günther, 1864
Xenochrophis Günther, 1864
异齿蛇属 Xenodon Boie, 1826
Xenopholis Peters, 1869
Xenoxybelis Machado, 1993
Xenurophis Günther, 1863
Xyelodontophis Broadley & Wallach, 2002
Zacholus Wagler, 1830
Zamenis Wagler, 1830
Zamenophis Günther, 1872
烏梢蛇屬 Zaocys Cope, 1860
Zapyrus Günther, 1864
Zelceophis Szyndlar, 1984
Zilantophis Jasinski & Moscato, 2017
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^ Jonathan A. Campbell, Eric N. Smith and Alexander S. Hall. 2018. Caudals and Calyces: The Curious Case of a Consumed Chiapan Colubroid. Journal of Herpetology. 52(4); 459-472. DOI: 10.1670/18-042
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^ Zeeshan A. Mirza and Harshil Patel. 2017. Back from the Dead! Resurrection and Revalidation of the Indian Endemic Snake genus Wallophis Werner, 1929 (Squamata: Colubridae) insights from Molecular Data. Mitochondrial DNA Part A. DOI: 10.1080/24701394.2016.1278536