過份強調外在最終目的,很容易凡事都訴諸鬼神,導致迷信。例如,「如果我今天不來這商店,我就不會發現地上的100元。這是神的旨意,他要我到商店來發現這錢。」或者「我贏錢全靠這對幸運襪。」類似的想法被培根("De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum," III, iv)、笛卡兒("Principia Philosophiæ", I, 28; III, 2, 3; "Meditationes", III, IV)和史賓諾沙(Ethica, I, prop. 36 app.)所批評。
^De Partibus Animalium (On the Parts of Animals), IV, xii, 694b; 13
^De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things), IV, 833; cf. 822-56. William Leonard's translation is very different: "Since naught is born in body so that we / May use the same, but birth engenders use".
Aristotle, Metaphysics Book Theta (translated with an introduction and commentary by Stephen Makin), Oxford University Press, 2006. (ISBN 0-19-875108-7 / 978-0-19-875108-3)
Alasdair MacIntyre, 'First Principles, Final Ends, and Contemporary Philosophical Issues', in idem., The Tasks of Philosophy: Selected Essays, Volume 1, Cambridge University Press, 2006. (ISBN 978-0-521-67061-6 / 0-521-67061-6)