The Social Contract became the Bible of most of the leaders in the French Revolution, but no doubt, as is the fate of Bibles, it was not carefully read and was still less understood by many of its disciples. It introduced the habit of metaphysical abstractions among the theorists of democracy, and by its doctrine of the general will it made possible the mystic identification of a leader with its people, which has no need of confirmation by so mundane an application as the ballot-box, Much of its philosophy could be appropriated by Hegel in his defense of the Prussian autocracy. Its first-fruit in practice was the reign of Robespierre, the dictatorship of Russia and Germany (especially the latter) are in part an outcome of Rousseau’s teaching. What further triumphs the future has to offer to his ghost I do not venture to predict.
1958年,何兆武根据法国巴黎奥比埃出版社法文版《社会契约论》,翻译的《民约论》中译本,由法律出版社出版。1963年,更名为《社会契约论》由商务印书馆出版。1980年2月,商务印书馆出版修订第2版。2003年3月,商务印书馆出版修订第3版。据“译者前言”介绍:初版系“根据奥比埃(Aubier)版、摩·哈伯瓦斯(M. Halbawachs)注释本译出,翻译过程中对照了1827年菲尔涅(Furne)版《卢梭全集》本和比较通行的另外几种版本”;再版时,“又根据伏汉(C. E. Vaughan)本(剑桥两卷本,1962,及龙门一卷本,1914)和波拉翁(G. Beaulavon)本(格拉赛一卷本,1920)全部重校过”。
1997年,《华夏文摘》增刊分四期连续刊载署名“其林”(又名“赵小麟”、“艾仑”)之人根据贝尔(Lowell Bair)英译本和科尔(G. D. H. Cole)英译本翻译的《社会契约论》中译本。
2011年10月,译林出版社出版陈红玉翻译的《社会契约论》中译本。译者未交代该译本翻译时所依据的版本,但从该书版权页注明的“书名原文:The Social Contract or Principles of Political Right”字样以及“买中文版送英文版”的腰封而且所送英文版与科尔(G. D. H. Cole)英译本完全一致来看,似乎翻译时所依据的系科尔(G. D. H. Cole)英译本。
2012年3月,根据1762阿姆斯特丹版、1943奥比埃(Aubier)版等法语原版,参考科尔(G. D. H. Cole)译本等英译本以及何兆武译本等中译版,钟书峰翻译的《社会契约论》中译本电子书上线亿部书城,同年7月纸质书由法律出版社出版。
2012年4月,武汉大学出版社出版戴光年翻译的《社会契约论》中译本(双语版)。该译本未交代翻译时所依据的版本,但从其双语为中英而且英译本与托泽(H. J. Tozer)英译本完全一致来看,似乎不是译自法语,而是译自托泽(H. J. Tozer)英译本。
^Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Hegel. CHAPTER IX. The Logic of Hegel. 由William, Wallace翻译. 牛津大學出版社. 1904: 293–294 [2022-12-13]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-13). Rousseau would have made a sounder contribution towards a theory of the State, if he had always kept the distinction in mind.