義德曾支持港督盧嘉爵士興辦香港大學的構想,後於1911年港大成立時獲委任為首批創校校董之一。[14][4]在1912年,英國外交官兼雪菲爾大學創校校長儀禮爵士獲聘為香港大學首任校長,義德對有關決定予以支持,並認為「以2,000英鎊年薪聘得擁有如儀禮爵士般的地位和才學的人,算是相當便宜」(A man of Sir Charles Eliot's standing and attainments was cheap at £2,000)。義德雖然不是港大的終身校董,但他卻一直獲得續任,直至1925年逝世為止。[4]
在工商界方面,義德曾長年出任香港總商會理事,在1922年的時候曾代表商會出任威爾斯太子訪港招待委員會主席。[4]在1924年,義德構思成立香港工業保障社(Hong Kong Industrial Security Association),提出以類似勞工保險的形式向參與計劃的勞工提供保障,有關構思還包括在九龍油麻地成立「同業大廈」(Trades Building),向勞工提供培訓之餘,還開設餐廳、雜貨店和醫院等設施,從而長遠改善勞資關係和減低發生罷工的機會。[4]可是,隨著義德在1925年病逝,加上同年爆發省港大罷工,有關計劃最後無疾而終。[4]
在1922年,時任行政局議員的義德幾經磋商下,成功爭取港府批准計劃,義德遂與其他英商在同年成立九龍塘及新界發展公司(Kowloon Tong and New Territories Development Company),並由義德出任總司理一職,主持開發工作。[26]在同年9月,義德在九龍塘為開發計劃立下奠基石,標誌著工程的展開。根據港府與發展公司之間的協議,港府會負責平整發展地段內的土地,而發展公司則需要分期向政府繳納地價。[26]為了減低成本,發展公司還在九龍塘自設工廠,自行燒製磚頭和其他建築物料。[26]
^"The Colony's Loss - Death of Mr. Montague Ede - Notable Career - Keen Interest in Public Affairs", The China Mail, 22 May 1925, p.1.
^"Charles Montague Ede" (retrieved on 23 August 2018)
^, Winfield Scott, Encyclopedia of American Biography: New Series Vol. 32. US: American Historical Society, 1963.
^"Insurance in China - Unsettled Condition Hampering Trade - Otherwise Optimistic Outlook - Union Insurance Society Annual Meeting", The China Mail, 16 May 1924, p.5.
^"Insurance Societies Combine", The Straits Times, 23 January 1911, p.7.
^Jurors List of 1919. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government, 1919.
^Jurors List of 1924. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government, 1924.
^"The late Mr. Montague Ede - An Appreciation of his Work in Shanghai", The Honkong Daily Press, 28 May 1925, p.4.
^"Death of Mr. Montague Ede - Colony Loses a Public-spirited Citizen - Funeral Service at St. John's Cathedral", The Hongkong Daily Press, 23 May 1925, p.5.
^, James, Smith, Carl, and Werle, Helga, "Programme Notes for Visits to Places of Interest in Hong Kong and Kowloon, 1974: Kennedy Town, Old Wanchai, Old Western District, the Diocesan Boy's School and La Salle College, and Ceramic Factory and Sam Tung Uk, N.T.", Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Vol. 14, 1974.
^"Mr. Montague Ede", The China Mail, 27 April 1925, p.1.
^OFFICIAL REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS. Hong Kong: Legislative Council, 28 May 1925.
^"Gertrude Elizabeth Lupton Ede" (retrieved on 23 August 2018)
^"Ede, Charles Richard Montague", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. UK: Oxford University Press, 2006.
^"Forthcoming Marriage - Miss Violet Montague Ede and Major Rotheram", The Hongkong Telegraph, 1 April 1913, p.7.
^"Social and Personal", The Straits Times, 23 April 1913, p.8.
^"Mr. Montague Ede's Will - Estate of over $1,000,000", The Hongkong Daily Press, 5 August 1925, p.3.
^"Social and Personal", The Straits Times, 8 September 1920, p.8.
"Mr. Ede's Departure", The Hong Kong Weekly Press, 21 May 1898, p.400.
"Insurance Societies Combine", The Straits Times, 23 January 1911, p.7. 網上版本[永久失效連結]
"No. 113", The Hong Kong Government Gazette, 26 April 1911. 網上版本
"Legislative Council - Mr. Ede's Name Proposed for Vacancy", The Hongkonh Telegraph, 14 January 1913, p.4.
"No. 25", The Hong Kong Government Gazette, 31 January 1913. 網上版本
"Forthcoming Marriage - Miss Violet Montague Ede and Major Rotheram", The Hongkong Telegraph, 1 April 1913, p.7.
"Social and Personal", The Straits Times, 23 April 1913, p.8. 網上版本[永久失效連結]
"Housing Problem in Hongkong", The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 10 January 1914, p.3. 網上版本[永久失效連結]
Jurors List of 1919. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government, 1919. 網上版本
The Straits Times, 6 August 1919, p.13. 網上版本[永久失效連結]
"British-China Trade Bureau", The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 12 February 1920, p.109. 網上版本[永久失效連結]
"Social and Personal", The Straits Times, 8 September 1920, p.8. 網上版本[永久失效連結]
Smith, Cades Alfred, The British in China and Far Eastern Trade. E.P. Dutton & Co., 1920.
"No. 259", The Hong Kong Government Gazette, 7 June 1922. 網上版本
Jurors List of 1924. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government, 1924. 網上版本
"No. 155", The Hong Kong Government Gazette, 21 March 1924. 網上版本
"No. 285", The Hong Kong Government Gazette, 16 May 1924. 網上版本
"Insurance in China - Unsettled Condition Hampering Trade - Otherwise Optimistic Outlook - Union Insurance Society Annual Meeting", The China Mail, 16 May 1924, p.5.
"No. 504", The Hong Kong Government Gazette, 3 September 1924. 網上版本
"Mr. Montague Ede", The China Mail, 27 April 1925, p.1.
"The Colony's Loss - Death of Mr. Montague Ede - Notable Career - Keen Interest in Public Affairs", The China Mail, 22 May 1925, p.1.
"Death of C. M. Ede - End of a Notable Career - Hongkong's Great Loss", The Hongkong Telegraph, 22 May 1925, p.1.
"Death of Mr. Montague Ede - Colony Loses a Public-spirited Citizen - Funeral Service at St. John's Cathedral", The Hongkong Daily Press, 23 May 1925, p.5.
"The late Mr. Montague Ede - An Appreciation of his Work in Shanghai", The Honkong Daily Press, 28 May 1925, p.4.
OFFICIAL REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS. Hong Kong: Legislative Council, 28 May 1925. 網上版本(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
"Mr. Montague Ede's Will - Estate of over $1,000,000", The Hongkong Daily Press, 5 August 1925, p.3.
OFFICIAL REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS. Hong Kong: Legislative Council, 19 April 1928. 網上版本 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
"A Kowloon Tong Problem - No Water Available for Flushing", The Hongkong Telegraph, 8 January 1930, pp.1 & 8.
"Kowloon Tong Residents' Complaint - No Water for Closets", The Hongkong Telegraph, 18 October 1933, p.7.
"Kowloon Tong Water Scandal", The Hongkong Telegraph, 19 October 1933, p.16.
Downs, Winfield Scott, Encyclopedia of American Biography: New Series Vol. 32. US: American Historical Society, 1963.
Hayes, James, Smith, Carl, and Werle, Helga, "Programme Notes for Visits to Places of Interest in Hong Kong and Kowloon, 1974: Kennedy Town, Old Wanchai, Old Western District, the Diocesan Boy's School and La Salle College, and Ceramic Factory and Sam Tung Uk, N.T.", Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Vol. 14, 1974. 網上版本
"Ede, Charles Richard Montague", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. UK: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Yanne, Andrew, and Heller, Gillis, Signs of a Colonial Era. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2009. 網上版本