^Peter Stansky: ″Sassoon - The worlds of Philip and Sybil″, Yale University Press, New Haven/ London 2003, p.5, ISBN0-300-09547-3
^ 2.02.1Jonathan Goldstein (Editor): "The Jews of China", Volume One, M.E. Sharpe Publisher, Armonk/ London 1999, p.145, ISBN0-7656-0103-6
^ Faure (Editor): "Society - A Documentary History of Hong Kong", Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong 1997, p.125, ISBN962-209-393-0
^Stanley Jackson: ″The Sassoons - Portrait of a Dynasty″, Secon Edition, William Heinemann Ltd., London 1989, pp.19 and 30, ISBN0-434-37056-8
^Geoffrey Jones: ″Merchants to Multinationals - British Trading Companies in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries″, Oxford University PressOxford 2007, p.41, ISBN978-0-19-829450-4
^ 6.06.1Madhavi Thampi: "India and China in the Colonial World", Social Science Press, London/ New York 2017, p.40; ISBN978-1-138-10269-9
^Stanley Jackson: ″The Sassoons - Portrait of a Dynasty″, Secon Edition, William Heinemann Ltd., London 1989, p.48 and 51, ISBN0-434-37056-8
^Stanley Chapman: "The Rise of Merchant Banking", Routledge, London/ New York 2006, p.131, ISBN978-0-415-48948-5
^Geoffrey Jones: ″Merchants to Multinationals - British Trading Companies in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries″, Oxford University PressOxford 2007, p.51, ISBN978-0-19-829450-4
^Vijay K. Seth: "Ascent and Decline of native and colonial Trading - Tale of Four Indian Cities", SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd., New Delhi 2019, p.50, ISBN 973-93-532-8085-7