斯科特是位年迈的老军人,参加过1812年战争和美墨战争,无法有效履行职责。他的继任者,麦克莱伦(McClellan)建立和训练了东部战区主要战斗力量、庞大波托马克军团。尽管麦克莱伦在士兵中很受欢迎,但由于他的谨慎策略和与总司令林肯总统的不和,麦克莱伦被剥夺了总司令的职务。(他在半岛会战和安提坦战役期间仍然是波托马克陆军的指挥官。 )他的继任者亨利·W·哈雷克少将(Henry W. Halleck)在西部战区取得了成功,但他更多的是一名管理人员,而不是战略计划者和指挥官。
尤利西斯·格兰特(Ulysses S. Grant)是联邦军的最后一位指挥官。 在西部的胜利带给他巨大的名声。1864年3月,他被任命为陆军中将和联邦军总将军。格兰特督导波托马克军团(由他的下属乔治·米德将军正式领导)在弗吉尼亚展开了陸路会战(Overland Campaign),通过许多猛烈的消耗战给予联盟军最后的打击,而数量占优的联邦军比联盟军更能承受损失。格兰特在弗吉尼亚州彼得斯堡包围了李的部队,并最终占领了联盟国首都里士满。他制定了针对联盟的协调一致的进攻策略,包括最重要的威廉·谢尔曼在佐治亚州和南北卡罗来纳州的会战和菲利普·谢里登在谢南多厄山谷的会战。这些战役的特征是格兰特的另一种战略,即所谓的全面战争,即在进攻道路上大范围摧毁工厂和农场,使敌人无法获得继续战争所需的资源。
^Joseph T. Glatthaar, Forged in Battle: The Civil War Alliance of Black Soldiers and White Officers (2000)
^McPherson, James M.James McPherson: What They Fought For, 1861–1865. Booknotes. National Cable Satellite Corporation. May 22, 1994 [March 9, 2016]. (原始内容存档于March 9, 2016). About 180,000 black soldiers and an estimated 10,000 black sailors fought in the Union Army and Navy, all of them in late 1862 or later, except for some blacks who enrolled in the Navy earlier.
^General Orders No. 14. Civil War on the Western Border: The Missouri-Kansas Conflict, 1855–1865. The Kansas City Public Library. [November 5, 2014]. (原始内容存档于November 5, 2014). [V]ery few blacks serve in the Confederate armed forces, as compared to hundreds of thousands who serve for the Union.
^Shannon Smith Bennett, "Draft Resistance and Rioting." in Maggi M. Morehouse and Zoe Trodd, eds., Civil War America: A Social and Cultural History with Primary Sources (2013) ch 1
^Peter Levine, "Draft evasion in the North during the Civil War, 1863–1865." Journal of American History (1981): 816–834. online互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期March 4, 2016,.
^Adrian Cook, The armies of the streets: the New York City draft riots of 1863 (1974).
^McPherson, James M.Drawn with the Sword: Reflections on the American Civil War. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc. 1996: 91–92. Rioters were mostly Irish Catholic immigrants and their children. They mainly attacked the members of New York's small black population. For a year, Democratic leaders had been telling their Irish-American constituents that the wicked 'Black Republicans' were waging the war to free the slaves who would come north and take away the jobs of Irish workers. The use of black stevedores as scabs in a recent strike by Irish dockworkers made this charge seem plausible. The prospect of being drafted to fight to free the slaves made the Irish even more receptive to demogogic rhetoric.
^Iver Bernstein, The New York City Draft Riots: Their Significance for American Society and Politics in the Age of the Civil War (1990)
^Shannon M. Smith, "Teaching Civil War Union Politics: Draft Riots in the Midwest." OAH Magazine of History (2013) 27#2 pp: 33–36. onlineArchive.is的存檔,存档日期2015-04-07
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Prokopowicz, Gerald J. All for the Regiment: the Army of the Ohio, 1861–1862 (UNC Press, 2014). online
Welcher, Frank J. The Union Army, 1861–1865 Organization and Operations. Vol. 1, The Eastern Theater. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989. ISBN0-253-36453-1ISBN0-253-36453-1; . The Union Army, 1861–1865 Organization and Operations. Vol. 2, The Western Theater. (1993). ISBN0-253-36454-XISBN0-253-36454-X.